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Portada » Mexico maintains countervailing duties on imports of sinks

Mexico maintains countervailing duties on imports of sinks

7 junio, 2021
La Secretaría de Economía de México informó que mantiene las cuotas compensatorias a las importaciones de fregaderos de acero inoxidable originarios de China. The Mexican Ministry of Economy reported that it maintains countervailing duties on imports of stainless steel sinks from China.

The Mexican Ministry of Economy reported that it maintains countervailing duties on imports of stainless steel sinks from China.

With this, in a resolution published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), the Ministry of Economy declares that the administrative procedure for examining the validity of the corresponding countervailing duties has concluded.

Specifically, these imports of sinks enter through tariff section 7324.10.01 of the TIGIE.

Consequently, the Ministry of Economy indicated that the validity of the definitive countervailing duties is extended for five more years, as of May 9, 2020.

At the beginning, on May 8, 2015, the Final Resolution of the anti-dumping investigation on imports of stainless steel sinks originating in China, regardless of the country of origin, was published in the DOF.

Through said Resolution, the Secretariat determined the following definitive countervailing duties:

  • $ 4.14 United States dollars per net kilogram, for imports produced and coming from Taizhou Luqiao Jixiang Kitchenware Co. Ltd.
  • $ 5.40 dollars per net kilogram, for the rest of the imports from the other exporters of China.

imports of sinks

On August 28, 2019, the Notice on the validity of countervailing duties was published in the DOF.

By this means, the national producers and any person with a legal interest were informed that the definitive countervailing duties imposed on the products listed in said Notice would be eliminated as of the expiration date indicated in it for each one, except that a national producer express in writing his interest in having an examination procedure initiated. The list included stainless steel sinks, originating in China, which were the subject of this examination.

Interest manifestation

Then, on March 23, 26 and 30, 2020, Modular Kitchens, E.B. Tecnica Mexicana and Teka Mexicana, respectively, expressed their interest in having the Ministry of Economy initiate the examination of the validity of the countervailing duties.

Thus, on April 30, 2020, the Ministry of Economy published in the DOF the Resolution declaring the start of the administrative procedure for the examination of the validity of the countervailing duties imposed on imports of sinks.

The examination period was set from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 and the analysis period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019.

Product description

The generic name of the product under review is stainless steel sinks.

It can also be identified as sinks, dishwashers, sinks, sinks or sinks, all of them made of stainless steel.

In English it can be identified as stainless steel sinks, or simply sinks or wash basins, although they are not technical or limiting terms.