9th of March, 2025

Portada » Mexico opens new markets for avocado and wheat exports

Mexico opens new markets for avocado and wheat exports

5 septiembre, 2022
Descubra as oportunidades na produção de abacate no México

Mexico opened markets for exports of avocado from Jalisco to the United States and flour wheat grain and durum wheat to Bolivia.

In addition, from September 1, 2021 to June 2022, the Mexican government achieved the opening, as a result of negotiations with different countries for the elimination of phytosanitary barriers, of five other types of products.

These products are: blueberry plants to the European Union; barley malt to Jamaica; in vitro banana plants to Peru; dyed cotton seed to Argentina; and in vitro blueberry, raspberry and blackberry plants to the European Union.

Mexico is thus expanding its market supply and facilitating trade in these goods, which provides certainty to Mexican producers and exporters.

The Mexican Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for developing policies aimed at increasing food production, maximizing the comparative advantages of the agricultural sector, integrating rural production chain activities with the rest of the economy and encouraging collaboration among producers.


Under the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Support and Services (Aserca) aims to boost exports of Mexican agricultural products and reduce the competitive disadvantages faced by Mexican agricultural producers.

Aserca also operates and administers the Production for Well-Being Program, which was formerly known as the Direct Farming Support Program (Procampo).

This program provides local agricultural producers with government funds to help offset subsidies that foreign competitors receive from their respective governments.

On the other hand, the Operating Guidelines for the Sembrando Vida Program, established on January 24, 2019, incentivize agricultural producers to establish agroforestry systems that can contribute to job generation, food self-sufficiency, improved income and quality of life, and erosion reduction and remediation.

These guidelines include financial as well as in-kind support, including plants, community nurseries, biofactories, technical support and ongoing training.

The agricultural sector (including livestock, fishing, forestry and hunting) accounted for approximately 3.4% of Mexico’s total GDP in 2021, compared to 3.5% of GDP in 2020. Agricultural output during 2021 increased by 2.9% as compared to 2020.


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