6th of March, 2025

Portada » Mexico publishes decree on the norm for tequila

Mexico publishes decree on the norm for tequila

21 julio, 2020
The Ministry of Economy published, in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), a project on regulations related to tequila production.

The Ministry of Economy published, in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), a project on regulations related to tequila production.

This is the draft procedure for evaluating the conformity of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-006-SCFI-2012, Alcoholic Beverages-Tequila-Specifications, published on December 13, 2012.

The document outlines the standards to demonstrate compliance with applicable tequila producers, bottlers, distributors, and merchants.

For the elaboration of the project, a Working Group was created by the National Consultative Committee for Standardization of the Ministry of Economy and which had the voluntary participation of the following actors:

  1. National Association of Self-Service and Department Stores (ANTAD).
  2. National Chamber of the Tequila Industry (CNIT).
  3. National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (CANACINTRA).
  4. Certificación Mexicana, S.C. (CERTIMEX).
  5. Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX).
  6. Business Coordinating Council (CCE).
  7. Mexican Council of the Consumer Products Industry, A.C. (CONMEXICO).
  8. Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT).
  9. Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office.
  10. Ministry of Economy.
  11. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
  12. Sociedad Mexicana de Normalización y Certificación, S.C.
  13. National Autonomous University of Mexico.


This Draft Procedure for the Evaluation of Conformity aims to establish the determination of compliance with the Official Mexican Standard NOM-006-SCFI-2012, Alcoholic Beverages-Tequila-Specifications or the one that replaces it, and the conformity with the Referenced Standards , by authorized users of the Denomination of Origin «Tequila».

Likewise, it includes, among others, the procedures for sampling, testing, calibration, certification and verification for compliance with the Official Mexican Standard in force or the one that replaces it and is applicable to the obligated subjects provided for in said Standard.

The validity of the Certificate of compliance with the NOM will be one year with automatic renewal, as long as the conditions that gave rise to it are met.

To verify compliance with the NOM, the Authorized Producer will be subject to permanent on-site verification in accordance with the provisions of the NOM.

Additionally, the renewal of the Certificate of Compliance will be subject to the Authorized Producer registering in the registry established for this purpose by the certification body to guarantee that it has agave supply of at least one year of production of the Agave species. Tequilana Weber blue variety, cultivated in the geographical region described in the General Declaration of Protection of the Denomination of Origin Tequila, as well as that said agave is registered in the Land Plantation Registry in accordance with the provisions of the NOM.

