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Mexico suspends terms related to its IMMEX, Prosec and Drawback programs

12 agosto, 2021
El gobierno de México informó que suspende los plazos relacionados con sus programas de IMMEX, Prosec y Drawback. The government of Mexico reported that it is suspending the terms related to its IMMEX, Prosec and Drawback programs.

The government of Mexico reported that it is suspending the terms related to its IMMEX, Prosec and Drawback programs.

For this, the Ministry of Economy published in the Official Gazette of the Federation an agreement suspending the corresponding activities, derived from the increase in confirmed cases of personnel who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Covid-19).

The purpose of this Agreement is to suspend the terms of the procedures, services and procedures of the Ministry of Economy, only for the administrative units indicated therein, in accordance with the cases of force majeure or fortuitous event referred to in article 28 of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure.

Thus, the Agreement indicates that the terms of the procedures and procedures that are carried out before the General Directorate of Trade Facilitation and Foreign Trade that are indicated below are suspended:

Derivatives of the Decree for the Promotion of the Manufacturing Industry, Maquiladora and Export Services (IMMEX), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on June 1, 1998 and its subsequent amendments.

Those derived from the Decree establishing various Sector Promotion Programs, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on August 2, 2002 and its subsequent modifications.

In addition, those derived from the Decree that establishes the refund of import taxes to exporters, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on May 11, 1995, and its subsequent modifications.


The foregoing shall also be applicable to those procedures and procedures that have been initiated prior to the entry into force of this Agreement and have been presented physically, by email or through the Mexican Digital Foreign Trade Window.

During this suspension of terms, the days will be considered non-working for all legal purposes, so that in that period the terms of the aforementioned procedures will not run, both for the Ministry of Economy and for the parties.

Likewise, the procedures received by any means during the period of suspension of terms will be considered received on the business day immediately following the end of the aforementioned suspension, the day on which the terms that have been suspended by virtue of this instrument will also resume. .

To conclude, all the activities of the Legal Support Unit, the General Directorate of Constitutional and Legal Procedures and the Litigation Coordination are suspended, with regard to the defense and representation of the interests of the Secretariat of Economy before the different jurisdictional, contentious administrative, administrative and labor authorities in all areas of its competence