9th of March, 2025

Portada » Ministry of Economy cancels quota for fish fillet imports

Ministry of Economy cancels quota for fish fillet imports

10 junio, 2021
La Secretaría de Economía informó que no llevará a cabo la licitación pública nacional del cupo para importaciones de filete de pescado. The Ministry of Economy reported that it will not carry out the national public bidding for the quota for fish fillet imports.

The Ministry of Economy of Mexico reported that it will not carry out the national public tender for the quota for fish fillet imports corresponding to the June-December 2021 period.

Through the General Directorate of Trade Facilitation and Foreign Trade (DGFCCE), the Ministry of Economy announced the office corresponding to this quota.

At the beginning, on March 14, 2014, the Ministry of Economy published the Agreement by which the quota is disclosed to import with the established tariff-quota, fresh or refrigerated and frozen fish fillets.

But now the government notice indicates that 70% of the quota for fish fillet imports will be tendered for the June-December period of each year.

Likewise, the sixth point indicates that the General Directorate of Light Industries of the Ministry of Economy, taking into account the opinion of the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture (CONAPESCA) of the Ministry of Rural Development (SADER), will evaluate the national supply conditions of the products subject to the quota in May of each year for the purpose of bidding the amount corresponding to the second award period, thus avoiding affecting the national production of tilapia and catfish.

Fish fillet

In attention to the sixth point of the Agreement, by means of official letter number 414.2021.1886 dated April 13, 2021, this General Directorate made the corresponding query to the General Directorate of Light Industries.

Also, in response to the request described, the General Directorate of Light Industries, through official letter 412.2021.89 dated April 23, 2021, sent the result of the query to CONAPESCA, in which it is fundamentally informed that the low demand in the national market for tilapia and catfish caused an increase in the supply of these products, which in some cases were marketed below production costs.

Thus, for the purposes of what is indicated in point Six of the Agreement, in the case of the fish fillet quota corresponding to the second period of the year 2021 (June-December), based on the official letter 412.2021.89 issued by the General Directorate of Light Industries , and in order to avoid affecting the national production of tilapia and catfish, the tender corresponding to the second period will not be carried out.