The Ministry of Economy released a series of relevant information on the operation of the current authorizations, the operation of windows, the dates of entry of applications with the new TIGIE and the transmissions to the SAT.
All this is derived from the entry into force on December 28 of the Law of General Import and Export Taxes (New LIGIE), published in the DOF on July 1, 2020.
Therefore, the Ministry of Economy issued considerations regarding the operation of the current authorizations issued by the same government agency.
Derived from the entry into force of the aforementioned Law, the Ministry of Economy stated that it is essential to harmonize the tariff fractions contained in the various Decrees, Agreements, and other regulatory instruments that are currently subject to compliance with regulations to carry out the import or export of merchandise.
For this purpose, on November 18, 2020, the Agreement was published in the DOF by which the correlation tables between the tariff fractions of the Tariff of the General Import and Export Tax Law (TIGIE) were published. 2012 and 2020, which must be observed for updating the tariff items listed in each regulatory instrument.
Ministry of Economy
In accordance with article 20 of the Foreign Trade Law, merchandise subject to non-tariff restrictions and regulations will be identified in terms of their tariff fractions, that is, at 8 digits.
The business identification numbers included in the Agreements are for reference purposes only.
Likewise, the Ministry of Economy communicated that the documents issued in accordance with the normative instruments in force until December 27, 2020, will continue to be applied until their expiration, in the terms in which they were issued and may be used for the purposes in which they were issued, provided that the description of the goods indicated therein, matches those presented to the customs authority.
The information and documentation that is received through e-mails authorized by the Ministry of Economy during the periods indicated as non-working, will not be considered as received for the purposes of the corresponding procedures, due to the possible saturation of the same. Therefore, they must be sent from the first business day of January 2021.
The foregoing will not apply to those procedures in which attention is indicated during the vacation period.
In order to carry out the adjustments to the computer systems and to be able to register the new tariff fractions, considering that it is necessary to modify various databases in order to update the TIGIE catalog, which is the one that feeds the entire VUCEM, as well as the bases for the configuration of the instruments/programs/modalities of the new tariff fractions that are regulated and cancel those that are repealed in the current TIGIE.
And that not only depends on the possibility that users They present requests, but also that the officials responsible for the review and opinion of them can operate them, based on the last paragraph of article 28 of the Federal Administrative Procedure Law, because it is a case of force majeure, they are declared unfit to Effects of the procedures indicated on the days indicated in the window closing item of this resolution:
To inquire about other procedures, consult the complete document.