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Portada » Mondelez International profiles snack market

Mondelez International profiles snack market

21 febrero, 2022
La empresa de confitería, alimentación y bebidas Mondelez International perfiló del mercado de bocadillos con una reciente encuesta. Confectionery, food and beverage company Mondelez International profiled the snack food market with a recent survey.

Confectionery, food and beverage company Mondelez International profiled the snack food market with a recent survey.

As a result, it concluded that 80% of consumers look for snacks to improve physical (80%) and emotional (80%) health alike.

In addition, 85% eat at least one snack for sustenance and one snack for indulgence each day.

The company sells its products in more than 150 countries and is one of the largest snack companies in the world with global net revenues of 28.7 billion pesos and net profits of 4.3 billion dollars in 2021.


Primarily, Mondelez International manufactures and sells snack foods, including biscuits (cookies, crackers, and snacks), chocolate, gum, and candies, as well as various cheese and grocery products and powdered beverages.

Its portfolio includes snack brands such as Cadbury, Milka and Toblerone chocolate; Oreo, belVita and LU cookies; candy rooms; trident chewing gum and Tang powder drinks.

Snacking consumption is highly correlated with GDP growth, urbanization of populations, and rising levels of discretionary income associated with a growing middle class, particularly in emerging markets.

The company’s recent research highlights the growth of snacking around the world and how Covid-19 is changing behavior, sentiment and routines around food.

Snacks, already on an upward trend in consumption, continue to grow according to findings from certain categories that were included in the third annual State of Snacking report, commissioned by Mondelēz International and published in January 2022.

The report was produced in conjunction with consumer survey specialist The Harris Poll and summarizes findings from interviews with thousands of consumers in 12 countries.

In general, the company believes that snacks continue to be a source of convenience, as well as excitement and variety for consumers.

Social media is increasingly helping consumers find food trends, inspiration and connection from their social networks and other sources.

Consumers are also interested in shopping for snacks conveniently, whether through same-day delivery apps, shipping sources, or different retail environments.

Many consumers continue to prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions, valuing sustainably sourced ingredients, low carbon footprint preparation and less packaging waste.


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