9th of March, 2025

Portada » One-Stop Shop for Investors in Mexico

One-Stop Shop for Investors in Mexico

27 julio, 2023
IED no México atinge recorde em 2024: 36,872 milhões de dólares 

The Mexican government officially initiated the process to create the One-Stop Shop for Investors and the Single Registry of Investment Projects.

Once in operation, people who want to invest in projects of more than US$100 million can access the support of the Ministry of Economy.

In general, the use of information technologies substantially reduces service times, allows access to services from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day and provides transparency, effectiveness, efficiency, certainty and legal security to individuals.

Globally, one-stop investment windows are tools used to promote foreign investment and guide interested parties through the procedures related to the investment installation cycle.

These windows are recognized as best practices at the international level by various international organizations, including the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

In order to position Mexico as a recipient of foreign investment in the face of the neashoring phenomenon, the Ministry of Economy said that it is necessary to have an instrument that facilitates the planning and establishment of foreign investment projects and that these contribute to national development in accordance with the objectives, strategies and priorities of the National Development Plan and the industrial policy determined by the federal government.

One-Stop Shop for Investors

Mexico’s Foreign Investment Law establishes a legal framework designed to encourage foreign investment in Mexico and to impose certain limited restrictions on foreign investment in Mexico.

For example, the Foreign Investment Law allows foreign investors to own 100% of the capital stock of a Mexican company if certain conditions are met.

The Foreign Investment Law also details which economic activities are reserved exclusively to the government or to Mexican investors.

It also outlines certain activities in which foreign investment may not exceed 10, 25, 30 or 49% of the total investment without the approval of the Foreign Investment Commission.

The purpose of the One-Stop Shop for Investors is to provide those interested in investing with access to information on the corresponding procedures and to identify the competent authorities, requirements, costs, response times, office locations, telephone numbers, website or web page, opening hours and other relevant information.