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Portada » OXXO bets on residential areas

OXXO bets on residential areas

19 abril, 2022
FEMSA informó que sigue reforzando su propuesta de valor de OXXO. FEMSA reported that it continues to strengthen its OXXO value proposition.

FEMSA reported that it continues to strengthen its OXXO value proposition and leverage its business platform in new markets, in addition to Mexico.

As mobility increased, the company profitably accelerated the opening of stores -it grew 14%- despite the uncertainty and the restrictions of the environment.

For example, FEMSA focused the expansion of OXXO stores in residential areas, a large segment in which its value proposition proved to be very resilient.

In both Peru and Chile, same-store sales exceeded the levels prior to the 2019 pandemic, registering in both cases an expansion in margins and growth in all international operations.

The results were due to an agile adaptation of its value proposition in the prevailing consumer context, as well as structural operational efficiencies in all markets.

In Chile, Colombia and Peru, FEMSA renewed its prepared food offering with the launch of new concepts in OXXO stores, including a line of artisanal pizzas that complements the reactivation of core businesses such as Andatti coffee and the Vikingo line of sandwiches.

In Colombia, the company also profitably boosted the development of its digital platform to strengthen online sales and home delivery, in response to growing demand -home delivery represented 6% of total sales.

This change laid a solid foundation to work on a long-term digital strategy that allows the company to capture new business opportunities and offer the latest convenience experience.


In Brazil, FEMSA continues to increase its presence thanks to its joint venture with Raízen, Grupo Nós.

Its value proposition for the Brazilian consumer maintains the emblematic elements of the OXXO chain, in addition to offering more competitive solutions for local tastes.

The company also successfully expanded into a second local market -the largest in Brazil- São Paulo, where OXXO’s results have exceeded expectations.

In total, the company opened 230 new stores in Brazil, including 117 franchised Shell Select stores -the company already has a total of 1,162 franchises- and 113 own stores operated by the company; in total, 73 OXXO stores and 40 Shell Select.


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