17th of March, 2025

Portada » OXXO, Shell and Cosan: stores

OXXO, Shell and Cosan: stores

20 noviembre, 2023
OXXO, Shell e Cosan: lojas

As of December 31, 2022, there were 217 OXXO stores in the Campinas and São Paulo areas. 

Also at the end of 2022, Grupo Nós had 1,213 franchised Shell Select stores and 38 self-operated stores through Raizen’s network of service stations.

Grupo Nós, an alliance between the Mexican company FEMSA (owner of OXXO) and Raizen, owned by the British hydrocarbon company Shell and the Brazilian conglomerate Cosan.

Femsa, in turn, is a conglomerate with operations in the beverage industry, the commercial sector, pharmacies and gas stations.

Beyond Mexico, FEMSA’s Proximity Americas Division seeks to increase its scale as it continues to expand in Colombia, Chile, Peru and Brazil

In Brazil, the Proximity Americas Division’s growth is accelerating through Raízen Conveniências, known commercially as Grupo Nós, FEMSA’s joint venture with Raízen Combustíveis S.A., which operates the OXXO value proposition while continuing to evolve with trends, and continues to grow its legacy format, Shell Select. 

Despite the existence of other groups competing in this sector, FEMSA’s Fuel Division’s main competitors continue to be small retail chains of service stations owned by regional family-owned companies, which compete with the Fuel Division in total sales, new station locations and labor. 


The largest chains that compete with the Fuels Division in terms of number of service stations are regional chains such as Petro-7 (operated by 7-Eleven Mexico), Corpo Gas, G500, Hidrosina, international players operating in Mexico, such as British Petroleum, Mobil, Repsol and Shell, and discount chains such as Good Price, Cargo Gas and Gulf.

Raízen operates in the production, marketing, origination and commercialization of ethanol, production and commercialization of bioenergy, resale and commercialization of electricity, production, marketing, origination and commercialization of sugar, and distribution and commercialization of fuels and lubricants and related operations.

FEMSA’s Fuels Division primarily purchases gasoline and diesel fuel for its operations in Mexico. 

The fuel market in Mexico has undergone structural changes that could gradually decrease the number of suppliers.