9th of March, 2025

Portada » Pemex increases its fertilizer production by 54%

Pemex increases its fertilizer production by 54%

20 mayo, 2022
Pemex registró un incremento de 54.3% interanual en su producción de fertilizantes en 2021, a 646,500 toneladas. Pemex registered an increase of 54.3% year-on-year in its fertilizer production in 2021, to 646,500 tons.

Pemex registered an increase of 54.3% year-on-year in its fertilizer production in 2021, to 646,500 tons.

At the same time, the value of sales in its fertilizer segment in Mexico grew 158%, to 4,957 million pesos, with the same comparison.

This result is explained by the increase in sales volume.

In addition, the reference prices for ammonia are at historical highs due to the increase in the price of natural gas.

As of January 1, 2021, Pemex Fertilizers merged with Pemex Transformación Industrial.

Pemex registered an increase of 54.3% year-on-year in its fertilizer production in 2021, to 646,500 tons.

Therefore, its fertilizer segment operated through the state subsidiary Pemex Fertilizadores until December 31, 2020 and operates through the state subsidiary Pemex Transformación Industrial as of January 1, 2021 as a line of business.

Its fertilizer business is part of the ammonia production chain. In 2021, the ammonia unit VI of the Cosoleacaque petrochemical complex reached a production of 646,500 tons, of which 243,900 tons were ammonia, which represents an increase of 107,500 tons compared to 2020, as a result of the continuous operation of the unit .

Meanwhile, carbon dioxide production was 402,600 tons, an increase of 119,900 tons from 2020.


For the fertilizer business line in 2022, the company will continue to take advantage of the installed capacity of the secondary petrochemical units, ensuring their operational reliability to capture the value generated by these chains.

Owned by Pemex, Grupo Fertinal produces fertilizers, mainly phosphates, as well as acids and other agricultural and industrial nitrates, and operates an industrial complex located in Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán.

Pemex considers that it is in a position to offer a wide range of fertilizers, nitrogen and phosphates at competitive prices.

The company also expects the development of new distribution channels to bring the supply of ammonia and fertilizer closer to industrial and agricultural producers throughout the country.

The increase in its sales in 2021 was mainly due to a higher sales volume of domestic phosphates and higher margins due to the appreciation of fertilizer prices in the global market as of the last quarter of 2020.

However, the average DAP reference price in 2021 was 107.7% higher than the reference price in 2020.


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