14th of March, 2025

Portada » Pinfra: Altamira terminal lags behind

Pinfra: Altamira terminal lags behind

25 febrero, 2022
Pinfra informó que su Terminal Portuaria de Altamira aún no alcanza a sobrepasar sus resultados previos a la pandemia de Covid-19. Pinfra reported that its Altamira Port Terminal has not yet exceeded its results prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pinfra reported that its Altamira Port Terminal has not yet surpassed its results prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the recovery of the port’s cargo is evident, since its revenues during the fourth quarter of 2021 were 9% above those of the fourth quarter of last year.

In 2019, revenues through this terminal were 1,151 million pesos, and in 2020 they totaled 936 million.

The Altamira port terminal is a multipurpose terminal and has a capacity to process approximately 500,000 containers annually.

Likewise, the terminal is located in an area of ​​approximately 269,470 m2, 600 meters of seafront, and includes an option to extend said length by an additional 350 meters.

There, during 2020, 200,850 containers, 449,540 tons of steel, 15,537 tons of general cargo and 500 cars were processed

Pinfra is one of the main companies in Mexico dedicated to the promotion, development, construction, financing and operation of infrastructure projects.

To date, the company has 21 concession titles, made up of 29 highways, a port terminal, a bridge operation contract and an electronic toll operation contract for the FONADIN highway network.

In addition to the main business, the company has two plants that produce asphalt mixtures, as well as a construction segment that is mainly focused on the administration and supervision of the construction and maintenance projects of the highways of the concession titles that the company has. .


The terminal patio area has a total area of ​​248,470m2 and includes:

  • Yard for containers and cargo maneuvers with an area of ​​approximately 236,170 m2, with capacity for 222 refrigerated containers and 5,344m2 of CFS (Container Freight Station) and 3,200 m2 of Warehouse for General Cargo and Steel.
  • Marginal wharf with a length of 600 meters, a width of 20.5 meters and an official draft of 12.5 meters.
  • Maritime surface in front of the dock of 21,000 m2 length of 600 meters and width of 35 meters.

The concessions segment, the most important in the group, representing 82% of consolidated revenues and 95% of consolidated EBITDA, reflects an almost total recovery from the effects of the Covid-19 crisis, with the exception of the Mexico-Toluca highway, which despite the gradual improvement in his income, he has had a slower recovery.

In general, the results of the highways are already in line with the traffic trends that existed before the pandemic.


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