21st of February, 2025

Portada » Port of L?zaro C?rdenas: SCT announces 2 new works

Port of Lázaro Cárdenas: SCT announces 2 new works

18 febrero, 2021
Las exportaciones de México totalizaron 40,313.4 millones de dólares en agosto, lo que representó un crecimiento de 9% a tasa anual, informó el Inegi. Mexico's exports totaled 40,313.4 million dollars in August, which represented a 9% growth at an annual rate, informed the Inegi.

The SCT announced two new actions that it will carry out in the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas, in Mexico.

Over time, the port has been favored with the mobilization of various cargo segments such as containerized, general, automobiles, agricultural bulk, mineral bulk and fluids.

In addition, the port is characterized by handling other types of products both imported and exported from industries such as steel, fertilizers and petroleum products.

The new actions are:

  1. Extend the harbor breakwaters to increase the safety of vessels in the event of weather events, in addition to reducing the maintenance costs of port facilities.
  2. Build the dock and yard for public use, which will help make the port’s operations more efficient and enhance it as an international hub.

The traffic of the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas maintains a particularity that gives it its origin as an industrial port, since it handles two cargo groups; on the one hand, that which is directly related to the industry installed in the port and the commercial one.

Port of Lázaro Cárdenas

Industrial cargo has a greater weight than commercial cargo.

Around 60% of the traffic is handled in the private terminals that feed the industry installed in the port and those that are adjacent to the port area.

On the other hand, 40% represents the commercial cargo handled by public terminals.

The cabotage market represented 16% of the total cargo for the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas, which is directly related to the industries located inside and outside the port.

The Arcelor Mittal steel plant is supplied, at its own port terminal, with iron ore from the port of Guaymas, Sonora and with iron pellets from the port of Manzanillo, Colima.

Another cabotage movement is that of phosphate rock, which is exploited in San Juan de la Costa, Baja California Sur, 60 kilometers north of the city of La Paz.

This product is used in the manufacture of fertilizers at the Fertinal plant.

Likewise, Pemex carries out cabotage movements of petroleum products, mainly gasoline and diesel, from its Salina Cruz refinery to meet the demand for fuels in the region of influence of this port.


Derived from the dynamism of maritime transport, the operational and logistical process carried out in the port and the markets served, the Lázaro Cárdenas port handled 8.4 million tons of containerized cargo in 2019.

This cargo segment is the one with the greatest impact in recent decades, it ranks second, only after mineral bulk, and accounts for 27% of total traffic.


For its activities object of the port concession, the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas currently has as main buildings:

  • Customs in Isla del Cayacal.
  • Emergency control center.
  • Integral Port Administration of Lázaro Cárdenas, S.A. de C.V.
  • Maritime Traffic Control Center (CCTM).
  • Customs booths and access control.
  • Unified Center for Maritime and Port Protection (CUMAR).
  • Business center and port services.