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Production in aquaculture centers in Mexico

23 septiembre, 2022
En materia de producción y distribución de crías, la Conapesca de México opera y supervisa 11 Centros Acuícolas. In terms of hatchery production and distribution, Conapesca de México operates and supervises 11 aquaculture centers.

Conapesca de México operates and supervises 11 aquaculture centers in the states of Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Estado de México, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla and Sinaloa.

Freshwater fish species such as tilapia, carp, catfish, and trout are produced there.

From September 2021 to June 2022, a preliminary production of 4 million 663,300 offspring of various freshwater species such as Catfish (150,000), Carp (3 million 031,000), Tilapia (1 million 003,800) and Trout (478,500) was recorded, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture.

In order to increase the profitability of aquaculture production units, in the period from September 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, through the Special Energy Program for the Countryside in the area of Electric Power for Aquaculture Use, the federal government supported 689 service numbers corresponding to 612 aquaculture facilities located in 30 states, mainly dedicated to the production of shrimp and tilapia.

The government granted the owners of these facilities an incentive price tariff consisting of a 50% discount on the value of energy consumption before the application of value added tax (VAT).

In addition, during the period in question, a discount of approximately 140.4 million pesos was applied.

Aquaculture centers

According to the federal government, within the framework of the Program for the Promotion of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Aquaculture, through the BIENPESCA component, food self-sufficiency and the welfare of the rural population dedicated to fishing and aquaculture activities is promoted through the granting of direct individual economic support of 7,200 pesos.

In this regard, in 2021, 1,427.3 million pesos were spent, resources that were granted to 198,234 fishermen and fish farmers.

Of the total number of beneficiaries, 43,505, equivalent to 22%, were women and 154,729 were men, representing the remaining 78%.

On the other hand, during the period from September 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, 96 aquaculture titles were granted, of which 91.7% (88 titles) were for promotion aquaculture, followed by permits for the collection of broodstock from the natural environment with 5.2% (5 titles).

Of the total titles granted, the five main species authorized were: Japanese oyster (Crassostrea gigas) (42.1%), nilotic tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (17.9%), scallop (Atrina maura) (16.8%), catarina clam (Argopecten ventricosus) (12.7%) and mangrove oyster (Crassostrea corteziensis) (10.6%) in a total area of 529.79 hectares.

However, in terms of volume, Mexico’s aquaculture production has registered a downward trend. Its maximum figure was in 2017, with 404,524 tons in live weight.

Then the trajectory went like this:

  • 2018 (395,502 tons).
  • 2019 (306,564 tons).
  • 2020 (351,002 tons).
  • 2021 (249,614 tons).
  • Jan-June 2022 (54,756 tons).


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