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Portada » Quinoa Cotopaxi stands out with pre mixes for cakes, cookies and cupcakes

Quinoa Cotopaxi stands out with pre mixes for cakes, cookies and cupcakes

2 agosto, 2021

The Ecuadorian company Quinoa Cotopaxi has stood out with the sale of pre mixes for cakes, cookies and cupcakes based on quinoa.

Quinoa Cotopaxi was founded in 2014 as a result of more than 100 years of hard work, effort and passion from a family dedicated to agriculture.

According to the Import Promotion Desk of Germany, the company grows its own quinoa to ensure high-quality raw materials, under the best agricultural practices.

Likewise, Quinoa Cotopaxi cares about social commitment and supports two projects with indigenous groups in Ecuador.

The company teaches indigenous women agricultural practices that help them earn a profit from their crops.

The company also supports the “Yachay Kawsay” project, a bilingual indigenous school in Saraguro in southern Ecuador, and the BE JUST program to support the education of people with down syndrome.

In particular, Quinoa Cotopaxi creates gluten-free and dairy-free products made with quinoa, under the best standards.

By using quinoa, the golden grain of the Incas, the company provides each product with protein-rich and 100% natural ingredients.

It is produced by its own brand as well as under a private label.

Quinoa Cotopaxi

La Calerita farm was acquired by Don Alejandro Maldonado on July 21, 1886, on land that was then devastated by the last eruption of the Cotopaxi volcano in 1877.

His son-in-law, Arcesio Paz Ante, dedicated decades of his life to rebuilding soils that were completely inert and rocky to make them land now suitable for agriculture.

Then his son Alejandro Paz Maldonado, his grandson Diego and his great-grandsons Francisco and Alejandro cultivate that same field with the same passion as their ancestors.

Today, 131 years later, the company offers quinoa as a tribute to the hard work done by four generations in what remains of a large farm that in another hour was far from the center of the city of Latacunga and today is part of it.

Quinoa Cotopaxi was born to process this golden grain, and take it to the table of its customers, following the highest quality standards required.