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Portada » Countries restrict exports of face masks, gloves and medical devices

Countries restrict exports of face masks, gloves and medical devices

23 abril, 2020
Nota Destacada
Dozens of countries restrict exports of face masks, gloves, medical devices and other related products to face the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said in a report released Thursday.

Dozens of countries restrict exports of face masks, gloves, medical devices and other related products to face the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said in a report released Thursday.

The information collected so far suggests that there is a large degree of variation in terms of the products whose exports have been prohibited or restricted.

Number of countries and separate customs territory introducing export prohibitions and restrictions as a result of COVID-19, by categories of products

Number of countries and separate customs territory introducing export prohibitions and restrictions as a result of COVID-19, by categories of products

Many restrictions and prohibitions affect the export of products that the WHO/WCO Joint Indicative List of Products designates as essential to combat COVID-19.

Based on this information, it would appear that face and eye protection devices (for example, masks and face shields) are the most affected category, followed by protective clothing and disinfectants.

Also 14 members and three observers have introduced bans or restrictions on food exports. So far, only one member (Bangladesh) has notified the removal of a temporary export ban.

Exports and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic presents the world with unprecedented public health, social and economic challenges, including international trade.

Measures to curb the spread of the disease have closed large sectors of the world economy, leading to dramatic downward shocks to supply and demand.

The need for certain key medical products, such as medical devices, protective equipment, pharmaceuticals and other essential products to combat the pandemic, has exploded in virtually every country in the world.

As a result, according to the WTO, there is a «huge shock» in global demand for medical products, as virtually all countries need the same products to combat the pandemic.

However, they all depend on international trade and global value chains to obtain these products. This is a challenge in light of continued disruptions in international transportation, particularly air cargo operations associated with passenger travel.


So far, 80 countries and customs territories have introduced export bans or restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on information from official sources and news agencies, the report draws attention to the current lack of transparency at the multilateral level and the long-term risks posed by export restrictions for global supply chains and public welfare.

