9th of March, 2025

Portada » SHCP started 3.8% less PAMAS in 2021

SHCP started 3.8% less PAMAS in 2021

25 marzo, 2022
La SHCP de México inició 7,483 Procedimientos Administrativos en Materia Aduanera (PAMAS) a la importación en 2021. The SHCP of Mexico initiated 7,483 Administrative Procedures in Customs Matters (PAMAS) for imports in 2021.

In terms of customs control, during 2021, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) of Mexico initiated 7,483 Administrative Procedures in Customs Matters (PAMAS) on imports, 3.8% below those carried out in the same period of 2020.

A PAMA is the set of acts provided for in the Customs Law, linked successively, with the purpose of determining the omitted contributions and, where appropriate, imposing the corresponding sanctions in matters of foreign trade, respecting the individual’s right to be heard at consider the evidence and arguments that claim to justify the legality of their actions.

In general, the seizure of merchandise illegally introduced into the country was worth 5,307 million pesos in 2021, lower by 1,474 million pesos compared to the previous year, in which the amount of the PAMAS was determined for 1,796 million pesos, 282 million pesos less compared to 2020.

Number of Administrative Procedures in Customs Matters (PAMAS) January-December, 2017-2021

The SHCP said that the foregoing was derived from the effects on commercial activity due to the continuity of measures worldwide to address the health alert caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, in the process of review and control (cargo and passengers) in country customs.


Overall, the value of world trade reached a record level of around $28.5 trillion in 2021, an increase of around 25% relative to 2020 and an increase of around 13% relative to the pre-pandemic level. 2019, according to statistics from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

While most world trade growth consolidated during the first half of 2021, growth continued in the second half of 2021.

After a relatively slow third quarter, trade growth picked up again in the fourth quarter of 2021, when the value of world trade increased by about 3% relative to the third quarter of 2021.

In this context, the number of PAMAS in Mexico went from 8,068 in 2017 to 8,470 in 2018 and then from 7,493 in 2019 to 7,779 in 2020.

Yet now, according to UNCTAD, the global economy is literally and metaphorically looking down the barrel of a gun.

Stopping the war in Ukraine, rebuilding its economy and achieving a lasting peace agreement must be the priorities.

But the international community will also have to grapple with the widespread economic damage that the conflict is already causing in many parts of the developing world; damage that will only intensify as the conflict persists.


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