6 de Marzo, 2025


States of Mexico that increased their exports the most

23 abril, 2020
Nota Destacada
Suspensões do registo de importadores no México

Of the top 10 states with the highest external sales in Mexico, Coahuila ranked as the leader in export growth in 2019, with a year-on-year rate of 16.2%, according to Inegi data.

Chihuahua, the largest exporter of products in the country, ranked second, with 8.7 percent growth.

Then came Tamaulipas (+ 6.7%), Baja California Sur (+ 6.1%) and Puebla (+4.2 percent).

Of those same 10 states, three registered negative interannual rates: Guanajuato (-2.2%), Sonora (-2%) and Estado de México (-1.6 percent).


The remaining two states had low growth: Jalisco (2.4%) and Nuevo León (0.6 percent).

States, exports and statistics

Mexico registered exports of products worth 461,116 million dollars in 2019, which meant an increase of 2.3% year-on-year.

Conversely, imports from Mexico had a value of 455,295 million dollars in 2019, a decrease of 1.9% year-on-year.

Foreign trade information is captured through the customs petition, through which all operations of entry and/or exit of goods from the national territory are recorded.

The responsibility for capturing such information lies with the General Administration of Customs (AGA), attached to the SAT, the latter’s decentralized body under the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

The AGA applies the SAAI for the purpose of validating the information. It is important to mention that in July 2004, the SAT implemented the SAAI-M3 that corresponds to the Third Millennium version of the System.

Subsequently, through SAAI-M3, AGA integrates all the export and import commercial operations carried out during the month and sends the information via ftp to Banco de México and INEGI for the corresponding statistical treatment.

The coverage and geographical breakdown of the trade balance is national, obtaining data from the 49 customs offices that are located throughout the national territory (includes the 128 customs sections).

