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Portada » Strawberry exports: a success for Mexico

Strawberry exports: a success for Mexico

10 junio, 2022
Las exportaciones de fresas mexicanas han mantenido una tendencia a la alza en los últimos cuatro años. Mexican strawberry exports have maintained an upward trend in the last four years.

Mexican strawberry exports have maintained an upward trend in the last four years, breaking records and representing a success for Mexico‘s agriculture.

The increase, at year-on-year rates, has been as follows: 2018 (1%), 2019 (33%), 2020 (4%) and 2021 (27 percent).

With this, Mexican strawberry exports reached 747 million dollars in 2021.

Interestingly, according to the University of Florida, strawberries do not normally reproduce by seed. Strawberry plants send out what are called runners, which grow out of the ground and take root in the ground. The roots then produce new plants that are often used to start new strawberry plots.

Foreign sales of this fruit from Mexico were sent almost entirely (99.9%) to the United States in 2021, while the marginal part was shipped to Canada.

According to data from the World Trade Organization (WTO), Mexico was the second largest exporter of strawberries in the world last year, surpassed by Spain.

Strawberry exports

These fruits are picked by hand, sorted and packed in the field. Strawberry flats or trays are quickly shipped to shipping houses where they are kept at a temperature of 34 F.

Within 24 hours of picking, the strawberries are loaded onto refrigerated trucks for shipment to local markets.

Mexico has achieved a growing coverage in total strawberry exports in the world, going first from 16.2 to 20.8% from 2018 to 2019, and then from 20.2 to 21.1 percent.

Industry overview

According to preliminary figures, the agricultural sector (which includes livestock, fishing, forestry and hunting) represented approximately 3.4% of Mexico’s total GDP in 2021, compared to 3.5% of GDP in 2020. Agricultural production during 2021 increased 2.9% compared with 2020.

About 11.8% of the economically active population of Mexico was employed in the agricultural industry as of December 31, 2021.

Along with Canada, Mexico is one of the United States’ largest agricultural trading partners. The main agricultural products exported in 2021 were vegetables, fruits and beverages, representing more than 62.0% of total agricultural exports.


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