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Structure of the CPTPP: chapters, annexes and provisions

17 agosto, 2021
Sector automotriz en el TIPAT: apertura y regulaciones

Article 1 of the CPTPP incorporates the provisions of the TPP and makes them part of the CPTPP mutatis mutandis, with the exception of articles 30.4 (accession), 30.5 (entry into force), 30.6 (withdrawal) and 30.8 (authentic texts), while the Article 2 suspends the application of certain provisions of the TPP.

All this according to a presentation released by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Also, an annex to the CPTPP lists the suspended provisions, which do not apply between the Parties for an indefinite period of suspension.

Until now, these provisions remain suspended.

Articles 3 to 5 govern the entry into force, withdrawal and accession to the Agreement.

Meanwhile, in Article 6, in particular circumstances and at the request of a Party, the operation of the Agreement will be reviewed with a view to considering any amendments that may be necessary.

Article 7 makes the texts of the Agreement drawn up in English, Spanish and French authentic, although, in the event of any divergence, the English version shall prevail.

The remaining text of the CPTPP contains 30 chapters.

Several Annexes are attached to specific Chapters of the CPTPP, including the List of tariff concessions of each Party and 4 Annexes that contain the non-conforming measures of each Party with respect to trade in services, financial services, investments and state enterprises and designated monopolies (Annexes I to IV).


The Agreement is complemented by a series of collateral instruments8, most of which take the form of bilateral exchanges of notes; a parallel instrument has been agreed by all parties.

The number of secondary instruments varies by Party..

Many collateral instruments had already been agreed in the context of the TPP.

To the extent possible, specific sections of this Factual Presentation incorporate and take into account collateral instruments.

The preferential treatment of the Parties under other RTAs between them remains in force.

Therefore, exporters can choose which RTA to use.

Some companion letters address this topic explicitly, as noted in Section 2.2.