6th of March, 2025

Portada » Suburbia Lowers Same Store Sales; Liverpool raises them

Suburbia Lowers Same Store Sales; Liverpool raises them

28 abril, 2021
El Puerto de Liverpool informó que Suburbia bajó 16.7% sus ventas en tiendas iguales, mientras que Liverpool registró un alza de 1.2% en este indicador durante el primer trimestre de 2021, a tasas anuales. The Port of Liverpool reported that Suburbia decreased its sales in same stores by 16.7%, while Liverpool registered a rise of 1.2% in this indicator during the first quarter of 2021, at annual rates.

The Port of Liverpool reported that Suburbia decreased its sales in same stores by 16.7%, while Liverpool registered a rise of 1.2% in this indicator during the first quarter of 2021, at annual rates.

The Port of Liverpool operates a chain of department stores founded in 1847, which sells a wide variety of products including men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, household goods, furniture, cosmetics and other consumer products.

As of March 31, 2021, the Company operated a total of 122 department stores under the Liverpool name; 120 specialized boutiques; and 165 stores with the Suburbia name.

Regarding Liverpool stores, since April 2020 there has been a trend towards the “Big Ticket” categories, standing out Furniture, Appliances, Electronics and Exercise equipment.

It is worth mentioning that the North, West and Gulf regions stand out for their good performance while the metropolitan area of ​​Mexico City and Center perform below the average, mainly due to the closing of stores that took place until February.


Sales to same stores in this format had a decrease that reflects the dependence on the sale of clothing, as well as on sales in the Metropolitan area of ​​Mexico City.

The Internet platform Suburbia, although with interesting growths, is in its initial stages

The Port of Liverpool

In 2020, nine department stores began operations under the name of Suburbia (Tláhuac, Mexico City; Tlalnepantla, State of Mexico; Guadalajara, Jalisco; San Miguel Cuautitlán, State of Mexico; Tizayuca, Hidalgo; Zitácuaro, Michoacán; Rosarito, Tijuana Baja California; Saltillo, Coahuila; Culiacán, Sinaloa).

For Monex, it is good to highlight the «resilient» aspect of the «e-commerce» format and that the re-opening process is currently beginning in various states, which opens the possibility of observing improvements during 2021 (in addition to the pace of vaccination, which has become stronger).

If the issuer’s figures improve this year, the results will have an effect on a modest comparable basis.

In addition, it will be key to evaluate the health scenario during the following months of 2021, validating the vaccination aspect and hoping that the rate of infections decreases so that the commercial reactivation improves eventually.

The recovery in departmental consumption should not only consider reopening measures, but also the macro effects (unemployment and loss of purchasing power).