9th of March, 2025

Portada » Support for the internationalization of Mexican companies

Support for the internationalization of Mexican companies

6 septiembre, 2022
El gobierno mexicano difundió más de 170 oportunidades comerciales de proveeduría entre el 1 de septiembre de 2021 y 30 de junio de 2022. The Mexican government announced more than 170 commercial supply opportunities between September 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) informed that the Mexican government disseminated more than 170 commercial supply opportunities between September 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 to support the internationalization of Mexican companies.

These opportunities were identified by the Representations of Mexico Abroad (RME) among federal and state government agencies and Mexican business organizations, in order to increase the presence of Mexican companies in international markets.

The SRE also indicated that more than 100 lists with contact information of Mexican companies were received.

The main sectors to which these opportunities belong are: agri-food, textile, steel, automotive and manufacturing.

At the same time, the SRE added, more than 110 trade promotion events (fairs, exhibitions, seminars) were promoted among the main Mexican business organizations in various industries, in order to increase Mexico’s participation abroad.

The RMEs reported that Mexican companies have participated in more than 25 events, including the China International Import Expo (CIIE) 2021; Foodex Japan 2022; Smart Mobility Moves the World; Expocomer 2022 International Trade Fair; Fruit Logistica 2022 Fair, among others.

internationalization of Mexican companies

In addition, more than 100 international tenders submitted by the RMEs have been shared among Mexico‘s main trade associations in various sectors to promote the internationalization of Mexican businesses.

Most of these opportunities have been identified in the Latin American and Caribbean region, particularly in the construction and infrastructure industries, as well as in information technology. We have collaborated closely with the support of the RMEs in various commercial events in the coordination, convening, dissemination and follow-up of forums, among which the following stand out:

– IX Macro Business Roundtable of the Pacific Alliance 2021: developed through 3 E-Business Roundtables for the markets of Asia and Oceania, Europe and Intra-Alliance and Canada, held between August and September. As a result, 36 purchasing companies selected for the 3 E-Business Rounds for the target markets were registered.

– 2nd Edition of the «Foodvenirs Mexico» event. The purpose of this event was to hold business meetings between Mexican exporting companies and food and beverage companies from the European Union. As a result, 27 purchasing companies participated.

– 1st Networking of Public Procurement Suppliers in the Pacific Alliance, held through a virtual business roundtable. The purpose of this event was to generate business meetings between buyers and exporters in the public procurement market in the Pacific Alliance. Through the Mexican embassies in Chile, Colombia and Peru, the event brought together purchasing companies from those countries interested in new suppliers.


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