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Sustainable food: growing trend in favor in the world

15 noviembre, 2021
La conciencia colectiva de los consumidores está desempeñando un papel clave a la hora de impulsar los desarrollos a favor de los alimentos sostenibles y puede redefinir todo el sistema alimentario, desde el origen de las materias primas, expuso la empresa Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp. The collective conscience of consumers is playing a key role in driving developments in favor of sustainable food and can redefine the entire food system, from the origin of raw materials, said the company Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp.

The collective conscience of consumers is playing a key role in driving developments in favor of sustainable food and can redefine the entire food system, from the origin of raw materials, said the company Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp.

According to thinkwithgoogle.com, 75% of the public agrees that if the way we live is not changed in the next 10 years, the state of the planet will jeopardize the survival of future generations, with climate change in second place on the subject after health.

At the same time, during 2020 in the UK, the growth of Google searches showed that consumers have become increasingly interested in sustainability issues: + 92% carbon neutrality, + 89% food waste, + 60% recycling and plastics and + 37% sustainable diets.

Consumers’ attitudes and behavior are increasingly shifting towards lifestyles, including increasingly positions in favor of sustainable food, with the expectation that brands will also «do good.»

In 2020, the number one trend predicted by Whole Foods was a focus on regenerative agriculture.

In this regard, Jeanette Mellinger, head of user research at Uber Eats, reported that the food delivery service is experiencing an increase in socially conscious and healthy meals.

The New York Times predictions for 2020 included an increasing focus on the health of the planet, from vegan food to regenerative agriculture and packaging.

Sustainable food

Also from the perspective of Bioceres Crop Solutions, the increase in ecological food awareness shows that new generations are more likely to think about sustainability while shopping.

In a recent Forbes report, «The State of Consumer Spending: Gen Z Shoppers Demand Sustainable Retail,» 62% of Gen Z prefer to buy from sustainable brands, similar to those of millennials.

Meanwhile, 54% of Gen Z stated that they are willing to spend 10% or more on sustainable products, and 50% of Millennials reported the same.

This contrasts with 34% of Generation X and 23% of Baby Boomers. The trend indicates that the desire and willingness to spend on sustainability increases with each new generation.


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