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Portada » Switzerland leads competitiveness in talent

Switzerland leads competitiveness in talent

9 diciembre, 2021
Suiza permaneció en la primera posición en la Clasificación Mundial de Competitividad del Talento 2021. Switzerland remained in the first position in the 2021 World Talent Competitiveness Ranking.

Switzerland remained in the top position in the 2021 Global Talent Competitiveness Ranking, compiled by the Swiss-based Institute for Management Development (IMD).

It is the first in Investment and Development and in Appeal, occupying the third position in Preparation.

At the indicator level, the country’s performance is strongly supported by public spending on education, the implementation of apprenticeships, the prioritization of employee training, and the overall effectiveness of the health system.

IMD World Talent Ranking 2021, top 5 economies

Competitiveness defined by the IMD is associated with the ability to compete in national markets or face international competition.

Switzerland remains attractive to highly skilled foreign staff and experiences weak brain drain effects (ie the brain drain does not hamper the country’s competitiveness).

According to the IMD, the combination of a high quality of life and a work environment combined with highly available opportunities to further develop work-related skills contribute to high levels of worker motivation.


The country’s willingness to meet demands for talent is underlined by the effectiveness of its education system (e.g. university education and student mobility) and the type of skills and competencies it offers (e.g. skilled labor, skills financial and senior managers with international skills) as a result of that effectiveness.

For its part, Sweden rose to second place (from fifth) thanks to improvements in its performance in Appeal (third, from fourth) and Preparation (fourth, from eleven); it remains in the 7th position in Investment and Development.

The implementation of learning schemes, the prioritization of staff training by the private sector, and the effectiveness of the health system have strongly contributed to the country’s performance in the Investment and Development factor.

Similarly, Sweden‘s quality of life and perception of the fairness of institutions (for example, the judicial system) increase its attractiveness and retention of talent and contribute to the overall level of motivation among the workforce, which in turn time increases your performance on the Appeal factor.

Furthermore, on appeal, Sweden shows a low brain drain impact.

In terms of progress in readiness factor, the main contributors are Sweden’s performance on the PISA educational assessment, the availability of a skilled workforce, financial skills, and competent senior managers, as well as managers with international experience.


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