Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper and Fibria supply pulp to KCM
Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper and Fibria supply pulp to Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM). Recycling fiber or paper is another source of cellulose that KCM
Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper and Fibria supply pulp to Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM). Recycling fiber or paper is another source of cellulose that KCM
Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper y Fibria proveen celulosa a Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM). La fibra o papel para reciclar es otra fuente de celulosa
Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper and Fibria supply pulp to Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM). Recycling fiber or paper is another source of cellulose that KCM
Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper y Fibria proveen celulosa a Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM). La fibra o papel para reciclar es otra fuente de celulosa
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