Maersk: high freight rates reflect bottlenecks in shipping
The Maersk company noted that freight rates were persistently high in the second quarter of 2021, largely reflecting bottlenecks in domestic logistics and poor container
The Maersk company noted that freight rates were persistently high in the second quarter of 2021, largely reflecting bottlenecks in domestic logistics and poor container
La empresa Maersk destacó que las tarifas de fletes fueron persistentemente altas en el segundo trimestre de 2021, lo que refleja en gran medida cuellos
Freight rates, measured by the China Composite Freight Index (CCFI), were on average 18% higher in 2020 compared to 2019. While global supply and demand
The global nominal container fleet grew 3.1% in the second quarter of 2020 and stood at 23.4 million TEU at the end of the period,
Las tarifas de flete en el transporte marítimo, según lo medido por el China Composite Freight Index (CCFI), fueron en promedio 0.7% más altas en
The Maersk company noted that freight rates were persistently high in the second quarter of 2021, largely reflecting bottlenecks in domestic logistics and poor container
La empresa Maersk destacó que las tarifas de fletes fueron persistentemente altas en el segundo trimestre de 2021, lo que refleja en gran medida cuellos
Freight rates, measured by the China Composite Freight Index (CCFI), were on average 18% higher in 2020 compared to 2019. While global supply and demand
The global nominal container fleet grew 3.1% in the second quarter of 2020 and stood at 23.4 million TEU at the end of the period,
Las tarifas de flete en el transporte marítimo, según lo medido por el China Composite Freight Index (CCFI), fueron en promedio 0.7% más altas en
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