Capesize and Panamax: ordering trends
Through the first nine months of 2022, only 8.4 million deadweight tons (dwt) of new Capesize and Panamax vessels have been ordered. This represents less
Through the first nine months of 2022, only 8.4 million deadweight tons (dwt) of new Capesize and Panamax vessels have been ordered. This represents less
LSB Industries, a leading North American producer of industrial and agricultural chemicals, gave the following reasons for high corn and fertilizer prices. For starters, high
International manufacturing trade slowed down worldwide, the World Trade Organization (WTO) reported in a report. At year-on-year rates and in value terms, these flows went
The World Trade Organization (WTO) evaluated Mexico‘s various export prohibitions, restrictions and licenses as follows. Mexico regulates exports of certain products to protect public health,
Among the various input costs, energy is key for most food products, with both direct (fuel) and indirect (chemicals, fertilizers, electricity) channels. The World Bank
Spot shipping rates continued to decline as carriers had some capacity freed up, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (Richmond Fed) indicated. Globally, the Drewry
Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM) has a reliable supply of virgin pulp from various suppliers, such as Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper and Fibria, among many
Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM) dispone de un suministro confiable de celulosa virgen de diversos proveedores, tales como Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper y Fibria, entre
An UNCTAD report said that according to the United Nations Global Policy Model, world GDP is expected to grow 2.5% in 2022. This is 1.0
The RWI/ISL container traffic index has remained virtually flat since October 2020, the WTO referred. The RWI/ISL container traffic index closely tracks world merchandise trade.
Through the first nine months of 2022, only 8.4 million deadweight tons (dwt) of new Capesize and Panamax vessels have been ordered. This represents less
LSB Industries, a leading North American producer of industrial and agricultural chemicals, gave the following reasons for high corn and fertilizer prices. For starters, high
International manufacturing trade slowed down worldwide, the World Trade Organization (WTO) reported in a report. At year-on-year rates and in value terms, these flows went
The World Trade Organization (WTO) evaluated Mexico‘s various export prohibitions, restrictions and licenses as follows. Mexico regulates exports of certain products to protect public health,
Among the various input costs, energy is key for most food products, with both direct (fuel) and indirect (chemicals, fertilizers, electricity) channels. The World Bank
Spot shipping rates continued to decline as carriers had some capacity freed up, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (Richmond Fed) indicated. Globally, the Drewry
Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM) has a reliable supply of virgin pulp from various suppliers, such as Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper and Fibria, among many
Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM) dispone de un suministro confiable de celulosa virgen de diversos proveedores, tales como Georgia Pacific, Domtar, International Paper y Fibria, entre
An UNCTAD report said that according to the United Nations Global Policy Model, world GDP is expected to grow 2.5% in 2022. This is 1.0
The RWI/ISL container traffic index has remained virtually flat since October 2020, the WTO referred. The RWI/ISL container traffic index closely tracks world merchandise trade.
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