Port infrastructure for corn imports into Mexico
Mexico‘s port infrastructure would be insufficient if it were to stop importing corn from the United States, according to Baker Institute in a report. The
Mexico‘s port infrastructure would be insufficient if it were to stop importing corn from the United States, according to Baker Institute in a report. The
O governo dos Estados Unidos propôs a proibição das importações de automóveis para evitar os riscos da tecnologia automotiva da China. Na segunda-feira, o Departamento
The U.S. government proposed to prevent imports of automobiles to avoid risks from Chinese automotive technology. This Monday, the U.S. Department of Commerce released its
Os Estados Unidos, a China e o Brasil foram os maiores produtores de milho em 2023 e continuarão sendo em 2024. Os dados e as
The United States, China and Brazil were the leading corn producers in 2023 and will remain so in 2024. Data and estimates are from the
A União Europeia, os Estados Unidos e a Arábia Saudita assumiram as primeiras posições entre os maiores exportadores de combustíveis e produtos de mineração em
The European Union, the United States and Saudi Arabia took the top positions among the largest exporters of fuels and mining products in the world
O Japão aumentou sua dependência de importações de produtos energéticos após o acidente nuclear na usina de Fukushima Daiichi. Esse acidente ocorreu em 11 de
Japan increased its dependence on imports of energy products following the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. This accident occurred on March 11, 2011,
World silver production was 830 million ounces in 2023, a year-on-year drop of 0.7 percent. According to the Mexican Chamber of Mines (Camimex), this decline
Mexico‘s port infrastructure would be insufficient if it were to stop importing corn from the United States, according to Baker Institute in a report. The
O governo dos Estados Unidos propôs a proibição das importações de automóveis para evitar os riscos da tecnologia automotiva da China. Na segunda-feira, o Departamento
The U.S. government proposed to prevent imports of automobiles to avoid risks from Chinese automotive technology. This Monday, the U.S. Department of Commerce released its
Os Estados Unidos, a China e o Brasil foram os maiores produtores de milho em 2023 e continuarão sendo em 2024. Os dados e as
The United States, China and Brazil were the leading corn producers in 2023 and will remain so in 2024. Data and estimates are from the
A União Europeia, os Estados Unidos e a Arábia Saudita assumiram as primeiras posições entre os maiores exportadores de combustíveis e produtos de mineração em
The European Union, the United States and Saudi Arabia took the top positions among the largest exporters of fuels and mining products in the world
O Japão aumentou sua dependência de importações de produtos energéticos após o acidente nuclear na usina de Fukushima Daiichi. Esse acidente ocorreu em 11 de
Japan increased its dependence on imports of energy products following the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. This accident occurred on March 11, 2011,
World silver production was 830 million ounces in 2023, a year-on-year drop of 0.7 percent. According to the Mexican Chamber of Mines (Camimex), this decline