Emerging economies: dependence on international trade
In addition to their continued dependence on international capital markets, many emerging economies are also highly dependent on international trade, including exports of oil and
In addition to their continued dependence on international capital markets, many emerging economies are also highly dependent on international trade, including exports of oil and
Os Estados Unidos, Hong Kong, Japão e Vietname foram, por ordem decrescente, os principais destinos das exportações chinesas de mercadorias em 2023. Quanto foram os
The United States, Hong Kong, Japan and Vietnam were, in descending order, the top destinations for Chinese exports of goods in 2023. How much were
Mexico will impose retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports of certain types of steel if President Joe Biden’s administration determines to impose tariffs on Mexican steel
A Comissão de Comércio Internacional dos EUA (USITC) publicará um relatório sobre o aço em janeiro de 2025. Os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) will issue a report on steel in January 2025. The United States and the European Union (EU) are currently
Os maiores mercados para a Pepsico, uma empresa multinacional de alimentos e bebidas, foram os Estados Unidos, o México e o Canadá em 2023. Globalmente,
The largest markets for Pepsico, a multinational food and beverage company, were the United States, Mexico and Canada in 2023. Globally, this company’s revenues were
A produção mundial de veículos automóveis aumentou 9% de 2022 a 2023, reflectindo um aumento de 13% na produção de veículos na Europa. 10% na
World automotive vehicle production increased 9% from 2022 to 2023, reflecting a 13% increase in vehicle production in Europe, 10% in China, 9% in North
In addition to their continued dependence on international capital markets, many emerging economies are also highly dependent on international trade, including exports of oil and
Os Estados Unidos, Hong Kong, Japão e Vietname foram, por ordem decrescente, os principais destinos das exportações chinesas de mercadorias em 2023. Quanto foram os
The United States, Hong Kong, Japan and Vietnam were, in descending order, the top destinations for Chinese exports of goods in 2023. How much were
Mexico will impose retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports of certain types of steel if President Joe Biden’s administration determines to impose tariffs on Mexican steel
A Comissão de Comércio Internacional dos EUA (USITC) publicará um relatório sobre o aço em janeiro de 2025. Os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) will issue a report on steel in January 2025. The United States and the European Union (EU) are currently
Os maiores mercados para a Pepsico, uma empresa multinacional de alimentos e bebidas, foram os Estados Unidos, o México e o Canadá em 2023. Globalmente,
The largest markets for Pepsico, a multinational food and beverage company, were the United States, Mexico and Canada in 2023. Globally, this company’s revenues were
A produção mundial de veículos automóveis aumentou 9% de 2022 a 2023, reflectindo um aumento de 13% na produção de veículos na Europa. 10% na
World automotive vehicle production increased 9% from 2022 to 2023, reflecting a 13% increase in vehicle production in Europe, 10% in China, 9% in North