7 de Febrero, 2025

WePlay Studios: realidade aumentada

WePlay Studios: augmented reality

WePlay Studios uses augmented reality in the production of its content, combining games, technology and storytelling to create unparalleled audience experiences. In general, the market

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USTR: insegurança alimentar e biotecnologia

USTR: food insecurity and biotechnology

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) noted that biotechnology helps reduce food insecurity. From its perspective, modern biotechnology can significantly increase agricultural production by protecting plants

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WePlay Studios: realidade aumentada

WePlay Studios: augmented reality

WePlay Studios uses augmented reality in the production of its content, combining games, technology and storytelling to create unparalleled audience experiences. In general, the market

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USTR: insegurança alimentar e biotecnologia

USTR: food insecurity and biotechnology

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) noted that biotechnology helps reduce food insecurity. From its perspective, modern biotechnology can significantly increase agricultural production by protecting plants

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