Members submitted an unprecedented number of notifications to the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee in 2019, according to statistics from the World Trade Organization (WTO).
In total, Members submitted 3,337 notifications of new or amended measures, more than in any other year since 1995.
This figure comprises an all-time high in the number of additions to existing notifications of technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures (1,101), in addition to 2,074 new notifications, 74 corrections to existing notifications and 88 revisions.
Compared to 2018, the total number of notifications increased 9%, maintaining the upward trend observed since 2004.
Between the date of entry into force of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and December 31, 2019, 142 Members (87% of Members) have submitted at least one notification, reaching a total of 36,641 notifications.
Members’ participation in the notification process between 1995 and 2019
The objective of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade is that technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures are not discriminatory or create unnecessary obstacles to trade.
Technical Barriers to Trade
At the same time, the Agreement recognizes the right of WTO Members to apply measures to achieve legitimate regulatory objectives, such as the protection of human health and safety or the protection of the environment.
The TBT Agreement strongly recommends that Members base their measures on international standards as a means of facilitating trade.
Top 10 Members who submitted the most notifications (new notifications, additions, corrections and revisions) in 2019
The transparency provisions of the Agreement are intended to create a predictable business environment.
In 2019, more Members made notifications than in previous years: 93 Members (57% of WTO Members) submitted at least one notification during the year.
However, 71 Members did not notify any draft Technical Barriers to Trade measures in 2019.