9th of March, 2025

Portada » The 22 functions of the Directorate of Foreign Trade of the SE

The 22 functions of the Directorate of Foreign Trade of the SE

27 noviembre, 2020
The Ministry of Economy specified 22 functions of the General Directorate of Trade Facilitation and Foreign Trade.

The Ministry of Economy specified 22 functions of the General Directorate of Trade Facilitation and Foreign Trade.

The list of functions is part of the General Organization Manual of the Ministry of Economy, which was published this Friday in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

The mission of this Directorate is to promote the productivity and competitiveness of the Mexican economy through innovative actions that provide certainty to the various agents that operate in international trade through the design of trade facilitation strategies, in coordination with the dependencies of the Public Administration Federal, that efficient foreign trade operations and achieve effective communication with users.

All of this is based on regulatory improvement, market competition and diversification of foreign trade, as well as a transparency policy and the correct application of the national and international legal framework.

Foreign trade

The objective of this Directorate is to design and implement commercial simplification measures that grant legal certainty and regulate the instruments and programs to promote exports, as well as coordinate the participation of the Federal Public Administration agencies involved in international trade in order to to promote institutional strengthening.


  1. Design, administer and evaluate the instruments, programs and policies of foreign trade, export control, trade facilitation and Mexican digital window of foreign trade, as well as the necessary measures for the fulfillment of the obligations derived from international trade agreements or treaties in those that Mexico is part of, within the scope of its competence.
  2. Coordinate and promote the design, operation, control and evaluation of mechanisms and instruments to boost the competitiveness of foreign trade, and the resolution of the problems faced by companies to compete in international markets.
  3. Promote the use of information technologies applied to international trade to streamline public administration.
  4. Develop tools or information systems that facilitate communication with the various agents that act in foreign trade, allow evaluating the evolution of international trade and support decision-making.
  5. Formulate and promote proposals for updating the regulations on international trade.
  6. Promote, establish and administer information and advisory systems and instruments on foreign trade, based on the use of information and communication technologies, including the electronic portal on trade facilitation and the Mexican digital window for foreign trade of the Federal Public Administration.
  7. Formulate proposals for general rules and criteria regarding foreign trade instruments and programs.
  8. Coordinate the attention and issue the resolutions corresponding to requests related to export promotion programs and any other export support mechanism.
  9. Attend and issue, within the scope of its competence, resolutions on the application of non-tariff regulation and restriction measures or on the exemption from their compliance.
  10. Issue the authorization or recognition for verifiers in international trade matters, monitor their performance and results.
  11. Prepare, in coordination with other administrative units of the Secretariat, dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, draft decrees or agreements on instruments and programs of international trade, as well as regulations and tariff and non-tariff restrictions of its competence.
  12. Coordinate the integration, preparation and dissemination of statistics and regulatory information on foreign trade, as well as keeping the Comprehensive Foreign Trade Information System updated.
  13. Opinion on the temporary export of merchandise, after consulting with the competent administrative units.
  14. Apply and verify compliance with the regulations in the scope of its competence, in coordination, when appropriate, with the corresponding agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration
  15. Carry out acts of verification and follow-up to verify compliance with the regulations on international trade, and, where appropriate, issue the necessary resolutions for compliance and carry out, in coordination with the Legal Support Unit, the complaint to the Public Ministry when required.
  16. Preside over the Foreign Trade Commission or serve as Technical Secretary, as appropriate.
  17. Formulate the modifications to the tariff nomenclature and the Tariff of the General Import and Export Tax Law, as well as propose and coordinate the publication of explanatory notes for the interpretation and application of said Tariff, and its reforms.
  18. Issue an opinion on the interpretation and application of the rules of the Tariff of the General Import and Export Tax Law and its explanatory notes.
  19. Propose merchandise subject to non-tariff regulation and restriction measures in the terms of their tariff classification, as well as coordinate their review and update based on the applicable regulations on the matter.
  20. Require information and documentation within the scope of its competence to companies, agencies, agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, states and municipalities.
  21. Coordinate the work of the Joint Commission for the Promotion of Exports.
  22. Solve the queries that are required in matters of its competence.