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Portada » The 75 experts in international trade negotiations from the Colmex diploma

The 75 experts in international trade negotiations from the Colmex diploma

28 septiembre, 2021
Un total de 76 expertos en asuntos relacionados con las negociaciones comerciales internacionales participan en un diplomado en la materia impartido por el Colegio de México (Colmex). A total of 76 experts in matters related to international trade negotiations participate in a diploma on the subject taught by the Colegio de México (Colmex).

A total of 75 experts in matters related to international trade negotiations participate in a diploma on the subject taught by the Colegio de México (Colmex).

It is the Diploma in International Trade Negotiations Guillermo Aguilar Álvarez, coordinated by Fernando de Mateo and Gustavo Vega.

In general, the Diploma aims for students to achieve a broad knowledge of international economics and the governance of world trade in goods and services, transmitted directly by its protagonists and negotiators, as well as its relationship with economic development, investment , intellectual property, competition policy, the digital economy and the environment, as well as the way in which Mexico‘s negotiating activity is part of this framework.

In addition, the program provides a detailed view of the trade negotiations that Mexico has carried out to sign 14 free trade agreements with 50 countries. It will also do it on the commercial policy of other countries that will send students to the Diploma this school year.

These are the 75 experts:

  1. Yonov Frederick Agah (Former WTO DGA).
  2. Víctor Aguilar (Minister of the Representation of the Ministry of Economy in Europe).
  3. Peter Allgeier (Former Alternate US Trade Representative).
  4. Eugenio Anguiano Roch (Former Ambassador of Mexico to the People’s Republic of China).
  5. Ricardo Aranda (General Director of International Trade Disciplines, SE).
  6. Samantha Atayde (Partner HR Consultants and Ex Negotiator of the USMCA).
  7. Álvaro Baillet (Former Administrative Secretary, COLMEX; Former Head of UPCI, Ministry of Economy).
  8. Ujal Singh Bhatia, (Former Member of the WTO Appellate Body).
  9. Stefania Bernabè (Deputy Secretary of the WTO General Council).
  10. Salvador Behar (Legal Director of the National Chamber of Sugar and Alcohol Industries, Former Deputy Chief Negotiator of the USMCA).
  11. Gisela Bolívar (Partner in International Trade, Aguilar y Loera).
  12. Alejandro Bonilla (Specialist Consultant in Public Procurement).
  13. Carlos Braga (Fundaçao Dom Cabral Brazil).
  14. Iliana Camarillo (Consultant at AJR).
  15. Carmel Cahill (Former OECD Deputy Director for Trade and Agriculture).
  16. Luis de la Calle (Director of CMM and Former Sub-secretary of Commercial Negotiations, SE).
  17. Fernando De Mateo (Former Ambassador of Mexico to the WTO).
  18. Alejandro Castañeda (Director of the Center for Economic Studies, COLMEX and Former Commissioner of COFECE).
  19. Luz María De la Mora (Undersecretary of Foreign Trade, SE).
  20. Eduardo Díaz Gavito (Partner of the firm Chevez. Ruiz, Zamarripa).
  21. Mateo Diego (Former COFECO official, Partner at AGON).
  22. Enrique Dussel (Head of the Division of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Economics of UNAM).
  23. Juan Antonio Dorantes (Partner of Dorantes Advisors and Former General Director of Reglas Comercio Internacional, SE).
  24. Gabriel Duque (Former Colombian Ambassador to the WTO).
  25. Armando Enríquez (Consulting and Energy Economic Intelligence).
  26. Karl Falkenberg (Former Director General in the European Commission).
  27. Gabriel Farfán Mares (President and General Director of the Mexican Community of Public Management).
  28. José Carlos Femat (Business Developer Manager ARGUS, Former Director General ONEXPO).
  29. Jonathan Fried (Former Canadian Ambassador to the WTO).
  30. Paolo Giordano (Principal Economist of the Integration and Trade Sector, IDB).
  31. Anabel González (DGA, WTO).
  32. Fernando Guerra Muñoz (Director of the Center for Strategic Management Studies SC).
  33. María Cristina Hernández (Strategic Advisor, SAI Law and Economy).
  34. Alejandro Jara (Former DGA of the WTO).
  35. Patrick Low (Former WTO Chief Economist).
  36. Mónica Lugo (Former USMCA Negotiator).
  37. Guillermo Malpica (Undersecretary of Industry and Commerce, Puebla Ministry of Economy).
  38. Miguel Ángel Margáin (Former DG of IMPI).
  39. Jacqueline Márquez (Minister of Commercial Affairs, Embassy of Mexico in Canada).
  40. Darlan Marti (Secretary of the Committee on Rules of Origin, WTO).
  41. Jason Carlos Martínez (Former SE Negotiator).
  42. Roberto Martínez (Representative of the OECD in Mexico).
  43. Mario Matus (Former WIPO DGA, Former Chilean Ambassador to the WTO).
  44. Fernando Mayer (Former SE Negotiator).
  45. Jorge Martínez Piva (Head of the International Trade and Industry Unit of the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Mexico).
  46. Carlos Mazal (International Consultant on Sustainable Development of Oceans, Marine Resources and Technological Innovation).
  47. Zorica Maric (Former Ambassador of Montenegro to the WTO).
  48. Evdokia Moise (Trade and Agriculture Analyst, OECD).
  49. Remo Moretta (Australian Ambassador to Mexico).
  50. Eduardo Muñoz (Former Colombian Ambassador to the WTO).
  51. Nora Neufeld (Secretary of the Committee on Trade Facilitation, WTO).
  52. Linda Pasquel (Legal Director of IQOM, Former Negotiator).
  53. Orlando Pérez (General Director of the Legal Consultancy, Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, SE).
  54. Carlos Piñera (Former Negotiator, SE).
  55. Víctor Do Prado (Secretary of the WTO Council).
  56. Aurora Ramírez (Research Professor, COLMEX).
  57. Ricardo Ramírez (Former Chairman of the WTO Appellate Body and Partner at RRH Consultores).
  58. Cindy Rayo (General Director of Trade in Services and Investment, SE).
  59. Hugo Romero (Partner of RRH Consultores).
  60. Osvaldo Rosales (Former Vice Minister of Foreign Trade of Chile).
  61. Lorena Ruano (Research Professor, CIDE).
  62. Ronald Saborío (Former Ambassador of Costa Rica to the WTO).
  63. Kenneth Smith (Partner at AGON, Former Head of Negotiation at USMCA).
  64. Don Stephenson (Former Canadian Ambassador to the WTO).
  65. Manuel Teehankee (Former Philippine Ambassador to the WTO).
  66. José Gerardo Traslosheros (Former Mexican Ambassador to New Zealand).
  67. Héctor Torres (Former Executive Director for Argentina of the IMF).
  68. Thu Lang Tram-Wasecha (Former WTO official).
  69. Edgar Ubbelohde (Former Private Sector Negotiator).
  70. Guillermo Valles (Ambassador of Uruguay in Brazil).
  71. Gustavo Vega (Secretary General, COLMEX).
  72. Carlos Vejar (Senior Attorney, Holland and Knight).
  73. Rubisel Velázquez (General Director responsible for Disciplines of International Trade, SE).
  74. Ángel Villalobos (Permanent Representative of Mexico to the WTO).
  75. Roberto Zapata (Former Mexican Ambassador to the WTO).
  76. Moisés Zavaleta (Director of Strategies, Ansley International Consultants).

Trade negotiations

The diploma also offers a detailed overview of the commitments in terms of disciplines and trade and investment liberalization that Mexico and its trading partners have acquired through different multilateral, regional and bilateral legal instruments.

It also includes practical aspects of international trade where the procedures for the import and export of goods, control measures and trade defense alternatives will be addressed.

For this reason, the new circumstances in the international economy demand professionals who are fully familiar with the existing agreements, including those in which Mexico does not participate, and the specific issues that support them.

The program provides its participants with the tools to be part of this renewed activity in commercial diplomacy, either as public officials or defending the interests of their constituents – government agencies, companies, consultancies, chambers and business confederations – by participating in the negotiation of new agreements.

Likewise, the Diploma makes available to students the elements to understand the administration of existing agreements and those that are coming into force, and shows how to participate in cases of commercial and investment differences that arise from the application of these agreements.

The next course on trade negotiations will be held from October 29, 2021 to October 1, 2022, it will be taught in its entirety virtually and will be offered by videoconference on Fridays from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. 14:00 hours.