12th of March, 2025

Portada » The Coatzacoalcos I Development Pole in the CIIT

The Coatzacoalcos I Development Pole in the CIIT

9 mayo, 2023

The federal government of Mexico initiated the review process before the Conamer of the Agreement that aims to declare the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Coatzacoalcos I and delimit the geographic area of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec where it is located.

This document declares as Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Coatzacoalcos I the area of 257-70-96.57 hectares, located in the municipality of Coatzacoalcos, state of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave.

Thus, the property of the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Coatzacoalcos I is located 3.1 km from the railroad, line Z, in its section Medias Aguas, Veracruz-Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz.

The property of the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Coatzacoalcos I has a strategic location, because it has road frontage on the Coatzacoalcos-Villahermosa Federal Highway (MEX-180), and is located 3.2 km from the State Highway to Allende.

This pole also has connectivity potential to other national or international markets, due to its proximity to the Port of Coatzacoalcos (9 km) and the Minatitlán International Airport (41.5 km).

Coatzacoalcos I Development Pole

The surrounding municipalities are: Nanchital de Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, Cosoleacaque, Moloacán, Agua Dulce and Pajapan, all in the same federal entity.

According to the Population and Housing Census 2020, the total population of the municipalities mentioned in the preceding paragraph is greater than 50,000 inhabitants.

On the other hand, the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples by means of official letter DG/2020/OF/086 issued an opinion on the inappropriateness of the indigenous consultation in the property destined to the Development Pole for the Wellbeing Coatzacoalcos I.

Said office states: «Since there is no Indigenous Community, it is clear that it is not necessary to analyze if the measure at hand can generate a significant impact. Consequently, this Institute considers that there is no need to implement a specific consultation process regarding the possible implementation of the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Coatzacoalcos I».

Likewise, the property destined to the Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar Coatzacoalcos I was contributed by the Instituto de Administración y Avalúos de Bienes Nacionales to the patrimony of the Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec, by means of Administrative Agreement published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación on January 5, 2021 and its diverse that modified the total surface published in the same official organ of diffusion on November 15, 2022.

The property is free of liens and does not owe any municipal services.

With the coordination of the Inter-Oceanic Corridor, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec railroad will be modernized, the ports of Coatzacoalcos in Veracruz and Salina Cruz in Oaxaca will be expanded, the highway and rural road infrastructure will be strengthened, as well as the port network, and a gas pipeline will be built to supply companies and domestic consumers.


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