11th of March, 2025

Portada » The company at the center of relations between Mexico and Chile

The company at the center of relations between Mexico and Chile

26 enero, 2021
The Mexican Embassy in Chile attended to different business matters in the relations of both countries during 2020.

The Mexican Embassy in Chile attended to different business matters in the relations of both countries during 2020.

On November 29, the visit made by representatives of Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua was attended, managing meetings with officials from the Ministry of Public Works and the Chilean Chambers of Construction (CChC) and Chilean-Mexican Integration (CICMEX).

On November 5, Ambassador Francisco Javier Olavarría met with representatives of Condumex to agree to work together on expanding the presence of the Mexican company in Chile, as well as on future business promotion events.

The Makesense organization was also attended to on December 13, who are interested in setting up a regional office in Chile to offer their advisory services on social responsibility.

The representatives of the Mexican company Laboratorios Sophia were received on December 17, with whom the support of the Embassy was pledged to continue strengthening the firm’s presence.

On January 22, a meeting was held with Efraín Flores, general manager of Novartis Chile, to explore possible areas of collaboration in pharmaceutical matters.

On January 28, the company BIONATIVA was served, which seeks to expand its exports of Mexican products to the Chilean market.


On February 10 and 11, the Mexican automobile lubricants and oils firm Raloy carried out a business mission, where the Embassy helped with the management of appointments with potential clients in the Chilean market.

On February 11, a working meeting was held with the representatives of Grupo GIA, Jorge Iturbe Gutiérrez (General Director of Operations), Adolfo Guerrero Villarreal (General Manager in Chile) and Gibránn Zavala (Technical Manager in Chile), as well as with the ambassador Rubén Beltrán, the company’s international affairs coordinator, who indicated that they are interested in expanding their investment in Chile, since they will compete in the next concession package to be published soon by the government of President Sebastián Piñera. Likewise, Ambassador Olavarría visited, on February 27, the work of the Hospital del Salvador and the National Institute of Geriatrics to observe the state of progress of this hospital complex.

A meeting was held on February 26 with the Director of Corporate Affairs of FEMSA, Roberto Campa, and the Director of Corporate Affairs of FEMCO, Teresa De la Garza, who confirmed their plans to consolidate and expand their presence and interests in Chile, particularly through the purchase of 100% of the shares of the company SOCOFAR.

On March 20, the Embassy received a visit from representatives of the Chilean company UNIBAG to discuss the company’s internationalization projects towards Mexico.

Derived from the high demand for reusable and biodegradable bags in CDMX, due to the ban on plastic bags, the company seeks to establish a commercial office in CDMX, which will function as a logistics and sales center, and within the next 16 to 24 months to build its first factory in Mexico (the third in total) to supply the Mexican market and part of the American Union.


The Mexican firm H2D socks, producer of sports socks, was advised on tariff aspects to enter sock textiles into Chile, as well as a directory with possible buyers of its products in this country.

In addition, the Mexican company Cobre Azul México was advised on its intentions to commercialize its copper sulfate and zeolite products among the Chilean mining sector. Likewise, possibilities are explored with local actors linked to the agri-food and mining sectors.

Information was provided to the Chilean company Tutti Barry SPA about possible Mexican suppliers that could export mango, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry and blueberry to the Chilean market.

A personalized directory on potential Mexican avocado oil exporters was created at the request of the Chilean firm Fernando Almeda Wine.

The Italian firm, with Latin American headquarters in Chile, Scotta was advised and linked in its interest to invest in Mexico in the business of hydroelectric plants.

For this purpose, the company was contacted with the Asociación Mexicana de Energía Hidroeléctrica AC (Amexhidro) and the Asociación Mexicana de Energía (AME), who are presenting their services to the company making them a registry of potential power plants in which they could to invest.

The Mexican Bandana was advised on tariff matters in its interest to internationalize its operations and sales of its electrical appliances in the Chilean market.

The company NRG Ingeniería was supported with immigration information, as well as a link with the InvestChile institution to clarify doubts about the decree that establishes the closure of borders for foreigners in Chile derived from the spread of Covid-19.


An informative meeting was held with the company BIMBO / IDEAL about its investment project to install its third plant in Chile, in the municipality of Chillán Viejo. In this regard, the Embassy supported the company by linking it with the local authorities.

The Mexican Brand Wellness was advised on the business organizational consulting market in Chile. To this end, the Embassy provided a directory of potential Chilean clients, as well as a link to the company AURYS, which is a potential representative of its brand and method in Chile.

The Mexican company Multiseñales was supported in its intention to explore the bicycle lane infrastructure market in Chile. For this purpose, he was contacted with the Chilean Chamber of Construction (CchC), as well as a specific directory of potential Chilean clients was made.

At the request of the Chilean firm BioAsepsisCorp, the Embassy linked it with Mexican sellers of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol Gel, Liquid sodium hypochlorite (different concentrations), granulated sodium hypochlorite, Quaternary Ammonia, and Chlorhexidine, through the Economic Secretariats of the states of Guanajuato, State of Mexico and Nuevo León.

The Mexican company APRIMIN was served, which seeks to reach the Chilean market with its filter canvas products for the chemical, mining, food and automotive sectors. The Embassy put the company in contact with a potential Chilean client.

Likewise, the Chilean firm Daff, which is a supplier of food products, was attended to regarding the Mexican food certification process, as well as the necessary requirements to export to Mexico.

Chilean market

The Mexican company Agrozono was advised on the trips that can be made to Chile in the context of the pandemic, since they need the presence of a company technician in Santiago to attend and maintain a system of Chilean clients.

The Jalisco-based company Hollandairy was attended to in its interest in exploring the Chilean market for its filtration, pumping and hydropneumatic products. They were put in contact with local actors from the Chilean Chamber of Construction. Likewise, Chilean manganese bidders were sought through ProChile in Santiago, at the request of the Mexican company.

Additionally, the firm Big Vento was served, who build giant fans and seek a Chilean business partner that can offer their products in the Chilean market. To this end, the Embassy provided a directory with potential interested companies.

APCANODOS was advised, who manufacture sacrificial anodes in zinc or aluminum for the cathodic protection of docks, boats, pipelines, marine platforms, among other metallic structures. The Embassy put them in contact with the Chilean SAAM, they provide international trade services in Chile and Mexico through three business divisions: Port Terminals, Tugboats and Logistics.

We spoke with the President of the Coordinating Council of Women Entrepreneurs, Sofía Gasque Soy, about her interest in linking Mexican women entrepreneurs with virtual business rounds in Chile, as well as exploring investment opportunities.

The Mexican company XURICA was served in its intention to explore the Chilean market to offer 100% extra virgin avocado oil.

A directory of lawyers, with operations in Chile and Mexico, was provided to the Chilean company Darwin Food, SME for the sale of healthy foods, to obtain advice on Mexican legislation on intellectual property and industrial protection, since a Mexican company is in the process of acquisition of its technology.

Other ventures

The Embassy met, on August 21, with the Caleta Anáhuac Fishermen’s Union, whose group has a historical association with our country derived from Mexican cooperation as a result of the 1960 Valdivia earthquake. The interest of the “artisanal fishermen” is seek business opportunities in Mexico and promote cooperation between your community and a community of Mexican fishermen.

Likewise, the Mexican company MexSí was served in its intention to explore the Chilean market to export Veracruz coffee, for which a directory of potential clients was provided.

Support was given to the Mexican Hidraire regarding its intention to form a company in Chile in the field of construction / facilities such as fire protection, drinking water, drainage and electrical issues. They were also given information on visas and work permits.

On October 6, the Embassy held a working meeting with the Mexican firm Walworth, dedicated to the production and commercialization of valves, to advise on the best strategy to enter the Chilean market and offer a variety of its products. To this end, they were offered a series of potential partners and distributors in this country.

Finally, on October 27, the President of Everton de Viña, Pedro Cedillo Martínez, a team that belongs to the Mexican international conglomerate Grupo Pachuca, visited to discuss their plans to expand the brand.