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The DGMT project of UNCTAD and ASYCUDA

22 noviembre, 2021
Para mejorar aún más el procesamiento previo a la llegada/antes de la salida basado en el riesgo, el proyecto Digitalización del comercio marítimo mundial (DGMT) se centra en permitir que las autoridades aduaneras obtengan acceso digital anticipado a la información de carga marítima. To further enhance risk-based pre-arrival / pre-departure processing, the Global Maritime Trade Digitization (DGMT) project focuses on enabling customs authorities to gain advance digital access to maritime cargo information.

To further enhance risk-based pre-arrival/pre-departure processing, the Digitization of Global Maritime Trade (DGMT) project is focused on enabling customs authorities to gain advance digital access to maritime cargo information, such as it is stipulated in the articles of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Launched by UNCTAD/ASYCUDA in December 2019 in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the shipping industry in the context of the German Trade Alliance for Trade Facilitation, the DGMT project aims to:

  • Increase efficiency in the international transport documentation process.
  • Reduce the time and costs of maritime trade for importers and exporters.
  • Streamline risk management by increasing digital access for customs authorities to advance maritime cargo information during clearance processes.

According to UNCTAD, this project involves the development of ASYHUB Maritime, a standardized data exchange and integration platform. The project is currently in phase two of a three-phase process and is being tested in two pilot countries. This will be followed by the creation of a virtual community of practice made up of countries using ASYCUDA World, to allow its possible replication or expansion in more than 90 countries.


Project components, according to UNCTAD:

    1. Development of ASYHUB Maritime, a standardized data exchange and integration platform between ASYCUDAWorld and shipping data platforms that comply with international standards.

In particular, the objective of Component 1 is to harmonize and streamline the exchange of information between data platforms that comply with international standards and customs administrations.

Thus, this enables efficient transfer of advanced cargo information and reuse of existing data to complete entry / exit customs formalities. The ASYHUB maritime platform is now ready for piloting.

    1. Enhance the capacity of the Sri Lankan and Cambodian customs authorities to apply ASYHUB Maritime to improve pre-arrival and departure processing and risk management.

Broadly speaking, this component aims to improve your risk management systems through the use of new data sets and new technological solutions.

Customs authorities can then carry out risk assessments and process cargo and customs declarations prior to the arrival of the goods at the port of entry/exit.

So this will allow the clearance of goods released shortly after arrival.

    1. Diffusion to create demand and start scaling up to at least five more countries during or shortly after the successful completion of the first two pilot projects.

The two pilot countries will share their experiences with the network and will receive advice and experience from their peers.

Additionally, the five early adopter countries can take steps for pre-arrival and departure processing and risk management through shipping data providers that comply with ASYHUB’s international and maritime standards.

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