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The five states that export the most in Mexico

30 junio, 2022
Chihuahua y Coahuila se colocaron en las primeras posiciones entre los estados que más exportan de México. Chihuahua and Coahuila were placed in the first positions among the states that export the most from Mexico.

Chihuahua and Coahuila took the top positions among the states that export the most in Mexico, Inegi reported on Thursday.

In the first quarter of 2022, the states with the highest contribution to the total value of exports were: Chihuahua (14.3%), Coahuila de Zaragoza (11.8%), Baja California (10.3%), Nuevo León (9.5%) and Tamaulipas (6.8%).

Together, these entities accounted for 52.7 percent.

To assign export values to the states, the location of the establishments is identified and it is assumed that the merchandise is exported from the state where production takes place.

The total results do not include exports of trade and services activities, as well as foreign trade operations from customs registries that could not be linked to the Statistical Registry of Mexican Businesses (RENEM).

For this reason, the total value of exports in this statistic does not coincide with the total value of exports reported in Mexico’s Merchandise Trade Balance.


In their annual comparison, the five states with the greatest increases in the value of their exports were: Quintana Roo, with an increase of 857.5%; Hidalgo, 101.4%; Nayarit, 68.3%; Tabasco, 67.5%; and Veracruz, 61%.

At the same time, in the first quarter of 2022, the Manufacture of transportation equipment subsector stood out for its participation in the total value of exports.

The states with the highest contribution in this activity were: Coahuila de Zaragoza (22.2%), Guanajuato (12.2%), Nuevo León (9.3%), Chihuahua (8.2%) and Puebla (8%).

These states accounted for 60% of the value of exports in this subsector.

On the other hand, the states with the highest exports of electronic equipment were: Chihuahua (44.5%), Baja California (20.1%), Jalisco (13.5%), Tamaulipas (10.8%) and Nuevo León (4%).

Together they totaled 92.9 percent.

In the first quarter of 2022, the entities that contributed in oil and gas extraction exports were: Campeche (61%), Tabasco (31.6%), Veracruz (5.2%), Chiapas (1.6%) and Tamaulipas (0.7%).

Together, they made up 100 % of this subsector’s exports.

In the January-March 2022 quarter, the entities that contributed the most to exports of electrical equipment were: Nuevo León (29.3%), Tamaulipas (12.9%), Coahuila de Zaragoza (12.6%), Chihuahua (12%) and Querétaro (8.6 percent). These entities accounted for 75.4% of total exports in this subsector.

During the first quarter of this year, the states with the highest share of exports in the agriculture subsector were: Michoacán (30.9%), Sinaloa (16.3%), Baja California (10.6%), Sonora (10%) and Guanajuato (5.9%). The five entities accounted for 73.7 percent.


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