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Portada » The Ministry of Economy issues criteria on labeling

The Ministry of Economy issues criteria on labeling

6 abril, 2021
Fase II da rotulagem na frente da embalagem no México

The Ministry of Economy of Mexico issued a criterion on labeling in prepackaged products subject to NOM-051.

In this regard, the General Directorate of Standards of the Ministry of Economy interprets that imported prepackaged products that are contained in a container, container or wrapper that does not correspond to the one that will be for sale to the final consumer because they will be subject to reconditioning, They are not subject to compliance with NOM-051-SCFI / SSA1-2010.

For the purposes of the provisions of the Annex of NOMs, the merchandise that enters the country as imported prepackaged products that are contained in a container, container or wrapper that does not correspond to the one that will be for sale to the final consumer because they will be subject to reconditioning. , are not subject to demonstrate their compliance with NOM051-SCFI / SSA1-2010.

Therefore, for the purposes of carrying out the customs and foreign trade operation, importers of imported prepackaged products that are contained in a container, container or wrapper that does not correspond to the one that will be for sale to the final consumer because They will be subject to reconditioning, they must declare in the petition, the identifier code «EN» plus the corresponding complement: «ENOM», «U» or «E» in accordance with Appendix 8 of Annex 22 of the General Rules of Foreign Trade of the Tax Administration Service.


On March 27, 2020, the Modification to the Official Mexican Standard NOM-051, General labeling specifications for prepackaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages-Commercial and health information, published on April 5, 2010 was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. .

According to the content of NOM-051, it follows that its purpose is to establish the commercial and health information that the product labeling must contain relative to prepackaged food and non-alcoholic beverages destined for the final consumer, of national or foreign manufacture, marketed in national territory, as well as determining the characteristics of said information and establishing the frontal automatic labeling systems, which must clearly and truthfully warn about the content of critical nutrients and ingredients that pose risks to your health in excessive consumption.

The General Directorate of Standards and the General Directorate of Trade Facilitation and Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy sent a copy of this criterion to:

  • Ernesto Acevedo Fernández – Undersecretary of Industry, Commerce and Competitiveness.
  • Raquel Buenrostro Sánchez – Head of the Tax Administration Service.
  • Horacio Duarte Olivas. – General Administrator of Customs.
  • Lorena Urrea García – Central Administrator of Customs Operations.
  • Leonardo Contreras Gómez- Central Administrator of Customs Legal Support.
  • The Confederation of Associations of Customs Agents of the Mexican Republic (CAAAREM).
  • The Latin American Confederation of Customs Agents.