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The SE launches the call for the 2021 National Export Award

7 abril, 2021
La Secretaría de Economía lanzó este miércoles la convocatoria para participar en el Premio Nacional de Exportación 2021. The Ministry of Economy launched this Wednesday the call to participate in the 2021 National Export Award.

The Ministry of Economy launched this Wednesday the call to participate in the 2021 National Export Award.

From the beginning, the National Export Award was established as the highest annual recognition of the effort, tenacity, efficiency, talent, and leadership of those companies that have managed to become synonymous with global competitiveness, by positioning the nation’s exportable offer, becoming an engine of economic growth in the country and important generators of jobs.

At the same time, according to the Ministry of Economy, the companies and educational institutions that participate in the National Export Award are national pride and a role model for all other companies and institutions involved in Mexican foreign trade and international business.

The call for the National Export Award is issued in accordance with the following bases, among some of them:

Participation requirements

  1. Companies and institutions established in the country that wish to participate in the National Export Award in its 2021 edition, must comply with the requirements indicated in article 207 of the Regulations of the Foreign Trade Law, which are also contemplated in the Model of said Award and which can be found on the portal www.pne.economia.gob.mx.
  2. In addition, they must comply with the following:

a) To be considered as independent business units in their structure and finances, therefore the participation of departments or work areas is excluded.

b) Have carried out export activities during the two years prior to their participation without interruption, as well as during the year of their participation in this contest. In the case of educational institutions, which during the last five years have carried out actions to support the export sector or to link with it.

c) Be distinguished by their contributions to the development of exports and / or contribution to the increase and diversification of sales of products and services abroad.

d) Have the Program for the Manufacturing Industry, Maquiladora and Export Services (IMMEX), authorized by the Ministry of Economy and have made sales abroad for a value greater than 500 thousand dollars or its equivalent in national currency, or have invoiced exports for at least 10% of their total invoicing in the year prior to their participation.

Other requirements

e) Not having an IMMEX program and having exported at least 15% of the total billing value in the year prior to their participation.

f) Not having been subject to serious penalties in administrative or fiscal matters in the year immediately prior to the call.

g) Express being willing to support the coordinating body of the National Export Award, as well as publicize its success story, and information on the essential aspects of its export systems, processes and achievements, with The object that it can serve as an example to other companies.

h) Not having obtained the National Export Award in the three editions prior to this edition.

3.- Companies that organically and financially depend on the federal, state or municipal governments may also participate in the National Export Award.