9th of March, 2025

Portada » The Secretary of the Navy will build 2 ocean patrol ships

The Secretary of the Navy will build 2 ocean patrol ships

3 julio, 2020
The Ministry of the Navy of Mexico schedules the construction of 2 ocean patrol vessels, 4 coastal patrol vessels, 5 interceptor patrol vessels and 1 logistical support vessel in the period from 2020 to 2024.

The Secretary of the Navy of Mexico schedules the construction of 2 ocean patrol vessels, 4 coastal patrol vessels, 5 interceptor patrol vessels and 1 logistical support vessel in the period from 2020 to 2024.

Likewise, in order to comply with the protection and conservation of the marine environment, which would allow to meet the contingencies of sargassum in the southeast of the country, the Secretary of the Navy has planned the construction of 4 ships and 20 sargassian vessels, according to the availability of resources budgets approved for such purposes.

These goals were established in the Marine Sector Program 2020-2024, which the Secretary of the Navy published this Friday in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

“With the execution of these projects and the cooperation of the public and private sectors in the field of the naval industry, an inclusive model will also be promoted in various regions of the country, mainly in the southern region, creating more than 2,000 direct jobs and 8,000 indirect, with which it will be possible to integrate the citizens of these regions into the productive sector through the generation of jobs, contributing directly to the objectives in economic matters and poverty reduction in the current Nation Project Government ”, says the agency in the document.

The Secretary of the Navy

The federal government has 19 establishments that have the capacity to build, repair and maintain ships and boats, which in the previous administration built 16 ships for the Mexican Navy to modernize the naval fleet, and in collaboration with Pemex, through a construction contract for 19 tugs, the modernization of its smaller fleet began.

“However, due to national policies that in past governments abandoned the national industry and in particular that of the maritime sector, there has been a notable lag in shipbuilding, in addition to the forced technological dependence on other countries for the construction of our ships.», adds the Secretary of the Navy.

At the institutional level, he argued, there is still a lack of suitable ships to provide better maritime coverage during security and relief operations in national waters, with the need to increase the fleet of ships of the Mexican Navy or replace with new, modern ships and functional, those that have exceeded their useful life.

