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Portada » The world market for fresh fruits and vegetables will grow 3% until 2024

The world market for fresh fruits and vegetables will grow 3% until 2024

24 septiembre, 2021

The global market for fresh fruits and vegetables has the potential to grow at a compound annual rate of almost 3% from 2020 to 2024, highlighted the company Safe Foods.

The company is based on a report published by Technavio in October 2020, in which it is estimated that the size of the fresh food market has the potential to grow by 337.76 million tons from 2020 to 2024.

Furthermore, the growth momentum of the global fresh fruits and vegetables market will accelerate during the forecast period due to the steady increase in year-on-year growth.

In particular, in the United States, according to a report by Grand View Research, increasing health awareness among the American population and the potential development of secondary diseases due to obesity and unhealthy eating habits are driving the fruit market. and vegetables to reach an estimated $ 1.1 billion by 2025.

Who is Safe Foods? The company develops ecological «green» solutions for the food industry. Its solutions are developed to improve food safety and the shelf life of fresh products. We do this by controlling human and plant pathogens, thereby reducing spoilage and, in turn, reducing food loss.

However, the products of this company are based on a proprietary blend of food acids that have a synergistic effect when combined with certain types of disinfectants and fungicides based on oxidizing agents in low concentrations.

Thus, its «green» products are capable of cleaning, disinfecting and controlling pathogens in fresh products in order to make them safer for human consumption and extend their useful life by reducing their decomposition.

Fresh fruits

The world population is expected to grow to nearly 10 billion people by 2050, driving agricultural demand by about 50 percent.

Therefore, providing healthy and safe food to feed the world’s population is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, accentuated against the backdrop of a fragile global economy.

Globally, around a third of the food produced (estimated at around 1.3 billion tonnes) is lost or wasted along the food chain, from production to consumption.

Fruits and vegetables are considered essential food products and demonstrate their best benefits, especially when consumed fresh.

To conclude, a couple more facts: the consumption and production of fresh fruits and vegetables is growing worldwide; In 2018, global fresh fruit production amounted to around 868 million tonnes, while fresh vegetable production amounted to around 1,090 million tonnes.