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Portada » The world’s largest food exporters and importers in 2020

The world’s largest food exporters and importers in 2020

3 agosto, 2021
La Unión Europea, Estados Unidos y Brasil fueron los mayores exportadores de alimentos del mundo en 2020, informó la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC). The European Union, the United States and Brazil were the world's largest food exporters in 2020, the World Trade Organization (WTO) reported.

The European Union, the United States and Brazil were the world’s largest food exporters in 2020, the World Trade Organization (WTO) reported.

These three countries were joined by China, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, Argentina, India and Thailand as part of the top 10 food exporters on the planet.

These ten nations accounted for 70% of all foreign food sales in the world last year.

How much did they export? The European Union has two considerations: in general, the food exports of its members totaled 570,000 million dollars; and the external extra-block sales were of 199,000 million dollars.

Then they were in the subsequent positions: United States (144,000 million dollars), Brazil (81,000 million), China (70,000 million), Canada (55,000 million), Indonesia (38,000 million), Mexico (38,000 million), Argentina (36,000 million) ), India (35 billion) and Thailand (33 billion).

Food exporters

Thus, the 10 countries registered external food sales of 1 trillion 100,000 million dollars.

Conversely, the world’s largest food importers were the European Union ($ 523 billion), the United States ($ 163 billion) and China ($ 160 billion).


According to the FAO, almost 690 million people suffer from chronic hunger today, almost 60 million in the last five years.

And a healthy diet costs far more than the international poverty line of $ 1.90 per day, making it unaffordable for more than 3 billion people in the world.

At the same time, the burden of malnutrition in all its forms remains a challenge.

Approximately 144 million children under the age of 5 are stunted, 47 million are wasted (morbidly thin) and 38 million are overweight.

FAO projects that the global economic recession caused by Covid-19 will make this situation worse.

The pandemic may add up to 132 million people to the ranks of the undernourished by 2020, threatening to reverse the progress made in the past two decades.

On the other hand, FAO estimates that current agri-food systems contribute up to 37% of greenhouse gas emissions and continue to overuse scarce natural resources.