27th of February, 2025

Portada » The WTO and customs brokers in Mexico

The WTO and customs brokers in Mexico

11 octubre, 2022
O México ultrapassa a China nas exportações para os Estados Unidos

Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) questioned the obligation to use customs brokers in order to import into Mexico.

These positions were made at the WTO’s Trade Policy Review of Mexico in Geneva, Switzerland.

Members welcomed the creation of Mexico’s National Trade Facilitation Committee and noted the adoption of measures to simplify customs procedures.

«However, some members noted that there is still scope for further efforts to reduce import procedures that can be costly or burdensome, such as the need to appoint a customs broker, customs agency or legal representative to handle customs clearance,» said Ambassador Clare Kelly of New Zealand, who chaired the review meeting.

Customs brokers represent importers and exporters before the Mexican government in order to clear their goods and verify the customs logistics of the goods.

Customs brokers

Also at the review meeting, concerns were raised regarding the use of trade remedies, particularly the application and renewal of anti-dumping measures.

In the area of government procurement, members urged Mexico to continue its efforts and make progress in opening its markets to foreign companies.

On applied tariffs, Members noted that the average MFN applied tariff rate had increased and encouraged Mexico to continue to reduce tariffs, particularly for agricultural products.

Regarding other non-tariff measures, more information was requested on the criteria for the economic analysis used to determine the need for import restrictions.

Some members expressed concern about the use of regulatory measures, for example, the manner in which sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade are applied.

Members noted that Mexico’s GDP has contracted as a result of the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and that the authorities have responded by implementing measures to assist primarily the most affected families and businesses, particularly SMEs.

Mexico did not implement substantial aid packages, preferring to remain on the path of fiscal and financial stability.

Members were encouraged to learn that economic growth had resumed in 2021, underpinned mainly by a rapid recovery of Mexico’s foreign trade, which had contracted during the pandemic.


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