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Top 10 importers of jewelry in the world

6 agosto, 2023
Los 10 mayores importadores de artículos de joyería del mundo. The 10 largest importers of jewelry in the world. Les 10 plus grands importateurs de bijoux au monde. Os 10 maiores importadores de joias do mundo.

Among the largest importers of jewelry items in the world in 2022, Hong Kong, the United States and the United Arab Emirates stand out.

According to data from the World Trade Organization (WTO), Hong Kong exported such products for a customs value of $18.829 billion, followed by the United States ($13.230 billion) and the United Arab Emirates ($10.606 billion).

At year-on-year rates, Hong Kong’s corresponding exports increased 9 percent and those of the United States fell 6 percent.

Bergio International noted that the jewelry design and manufacturing industry is extremely competitive and has few barriers to entry.

In this industry, competition is between jewelry designers and luxury jewelry manufacturers, as well as with retail jewelry stores and e-commerce stores.

Bergio International estimates that there are more than 1,500 jewelry design and manufacturing companies worldwide.

This company believes that the jewelry industry competes in the global marketplace and, therefore, must be adaptable to remain competitive.

Consumer spending on discretionary goods, such as jewelry, is sensitive to changes in consumer confidence and, ultimately, consumer confidence is affected by general business considerations in the economy.

Generally, consumer discretionary spending declines in times of falling consumer confidence, which can affect retail sales of jewelers’ products.’

Thus, U.S. consumer confidence reflected these slowing conditions over the past several years.

Importers of jewelry

Bergio International espera que una economía más fuerte impulse el crecimiento de la industria. Esto se debe al aumento del gasto de los jóvenes profesionales, quienes muestran una tendencia general hacia los productos de lujo.

Por lo tanto, la empresa tiene la intención de realizar grandes esfuerzos para mantener su marca en la industria. Esto se logrará mediante el enfoque en la innovación y el diseño de sus productos. Además, buscará consolidar y aumentar su rentabilidad siempre que sea posible, especialmente a través de adquisiciones.

Other relevant importers of jewelry items in 2022 are: Switzerland ($8,961 million), Singapore ($4,565 million), China ($4,236 million), France ($4,053 million), United Kingdom ($2,728 million), Japan ($2,435 million) and Italy ($1,906 million).