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Top 15 importers of intermediate goods in the world

12 junio, 2023
Los 15 principales importadores de bienes intermedios del mundo. The 15 main importers of intermediate goods in the world. Les 15 principaux importateurs de biens intermédiaires dans le monde. Os 15 principais importadores de bens intermediários do mundo.

The world’s top importers of intermediate goods from October to December 2022 were China, with $376 billion, and the United States, with $261 billion, the World Trade Organization (WTO) reported Monday.

This was followed by Germany ($147 billion), Hong Kong ($97 billion), India ($81 billion), Japan ($75 billion) and Mexico ($74 billion).

The WTO indicated that the 14% decline in China’s imports of intermediate goods was of a similar proportion to the fall in its exports of the same type of goods (15%), indicating an overall slowdown in activity within production chains by the end of 2022.

An even greater downward trend of 24% was observed in Hong Kong, China.

As was also observed in early 2022, this drop in the level of imports of intermediate goods was due to the slowdown in trade between the two economies in high-tech components, parts and accessories.

Also, Chinese imports of computer memories from the Republic of Korea declined sharply, by around 30% y-o-y, in the fourth quarter of 2022, possibly as a result of U.S. trade measures against China.

Importers of intermediate goods

In the last quarter of 2022, global supply chains faced disruptions caused by the geopolitical context, raw material shortages, high energy prices and weak or fluctuating industrial and consumer demand, especially in Europe and the United States.

With few exceptions, most interregional and intraregional trade flows in the intermediate goods sector declined sharply by the end of 2022.

In particular, intra-Asia trade in intermediate goods declined by 16%, indicating a slowdown in regional supply chains.

A similar trend was observed in Europe, where regional trade in industrial inputs declined 10 percent.

Exports of intermediate goods to South and Central America from all regions declined the most.

China notably reduced its exports of semi-manufactured metals (iron and steel products) to the region by two-thirds in Q4 2022 (from $945 million to $321 million).

This was likely related to China’s reduction in crude steel production as part of an environmental policy aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

La Cofece inició una investigación para determinar si existen condiciones de competencia efectiva en el transporte marítimo de pasajeros y carga rodada en Baja California Sur, México. Cofece initiated an investigation to determine whether there are conditions of effective competition in the maritime transportation of passengers and roll-on/roll-off cargo in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Photo: UNCTAD.

Other relevant importers of international goods in the world were South Korea, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Singapore, Canada and Taiwan.