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Portada » Top 35 destinations for U.S. corn exports

Top 35 destinations for U.S. corn exports

23 agosto, 2020
Mexico topped the ranking of the main destinations for corn exports from the United States from October 2019 to June 2020, according to data from the Department of Agriculture (USDA, for its acronym in English).

Mexico topped the ranking of the main destinations for corn exports from the United States from October 2019 to June 2020, according to data from the Department of Agriculture (USDA, for its acronym in English).

Those months correspond to the current season, which runs from October 2019 to September 2020.

Corn exports from the United States to Mexico totaled 1.376 billion dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 31.9% during those months of the current agricultural cycle.

Globally, the first forecast by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for world production of coarse grains in 2020 is set at a record 1.513 million tonnes, an increase of 65 million tonnes ( 4.5%) compared to 2019, almost exclusively due to higher corn production.

World maize production, forecast to reach an all-time high, is boosted by record harvests forecast in the United States, Canada and Ukraine, and near-record harvests in Argentina and Brazil.

On the contrary, global barley production is likely to decline, mainly due to reduced production in the Russian Federation.

United States Corn Exports

After stalling in 2019/20, total global coarse grain utilization is projected to increase in 2020/21 by 2.7 percent.

Japan, with 695 million dollars and a year-on-year increase of 0.4%, and Colombia, with 423 million dollars and a decrease of 30.3%, were placed in the second and third position among the destinations of corn exports from the United States of October 2019 to June 2020.

US Exports of Corn

FY 2015 – 2019 and Year – to – Date Comparisons

(In millions of dollars)

South Korea, Canada, Taiwan, Peru and Guatemala are, in descending order, other major destinations for corn exports from the United States.