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Portada » Total Play and Televisa win in internet service

Total Play and Televisa win in internet service

11 noviembre, 2021
Total Play y Televisa ganaron participación de mercado en el servicio fijo de acceso a internet en 2020, informó el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT). Total Play and Televisa gained market share in fixed internet access service in 2020, reported the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT).

Total Play and Televisa gained market share in fixed internet access service in 2020, reported the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT).

Total Play’s coverage in that market went from 8.1% in 2019 to 11.6% in 2020.

For its part, Televisa increased its share from 24.3 to 24.7 percent.

At the end of last year, in Mexico there were 19 million 354,980 fixed internet service accesses.

Total Play and the market

América Móvil, the leader of this business, decreased its market share from 50.1 to 45.6%, comparing the same year-end, while Megacable-MCM remained the same, with 16 percent.

Other participating companies are Netwey, Dish-MVS, AT&T, Axtel, Maxcom, Stargroup, TV Rey, Ultravisión, Grupo W com, Telefónica, Airecable and IENTC.

For the following operators, the total accesses and the breakdown of accesses by speed range and by type of contract (residential and non-residential) from 3Q 2019 to 4Q 2019 were estimated based on the historical distribution or information confirmed by each operator: Airecable, Alestra, AT&T, Axesat, Axtel, Cable Sistema de Victoria, Vomunicable, CV Telecomunicaciones del Norte, IP Matrix, Marcatel, Maxcom, Megacable Comunicaciones, Pegaso, Sky, Star TV, Tele Azteca, Telecable de Matehuala, Transtelco, TV Rey and Ultravisión .

This is due to the fact that these concessionaires have less than 200,000 accesses to the fixed Internet service and are not obliged to report such information for the referred periods.

Additionally, the telecommunications and entertainment industries in which Televisa operates are changing rapidly as a result of new entrants and the evolution of distribution technologies, including the internet.

The cable industry in Mexico is proving highly competitive and companies face significant competition.

Likewise, most cable operators are authorized by the Mexican government to provide pay television services, broadband internet and voice services, including Voice over Internet Protocol or “VoIP” services.

Companies also face competition from the dominant economic agent in telecommunications, particularly in the provision of data and fixed telephony services.