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Trump amenaza con sacar a EU de la OMC

25 julio, 2016
América Latina


El candidato presidencial republicano, Donald Trump, amenazó este domingo con sacar a Estados Unidos de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), a la que calificó como “un desastre”.

El magnate expuso que, de llegar a la Presidencia y si no le dejan imponer aranceles discrecionalmente a diferentes países y compañías, consideraría la salida de Estados Unidos de la OMC, el único organismo que regula el comercio a nivel global.

“Vamos a renegociar o nos vamos”, dijo entrevistado en el programa “Meet the Press”, de la cadena NBC. “Ustedes saben, la OMC es un desastre”.

“Si creen que van a despedir a toda su gente, mover su planta de producción a México, construir aparatos de aire acondicionado y pensar que van a vender esos aparatos de aire acondicionado en los Estados Unidos, entonces tendrán que pagar un impuesto”, comentó.

Esta es parte de la entrevista:

Meet the Press – July 24, 2016


So Carrier comes in, they announce they’re moving to Mexico, they fire all their people in Indiana, and they say, «Hi, well, here we are in Mexico, you know, enjoy your plant, enjoy the rest of your life,» and you hire people from Mexico, okay? Now they make their product and they put it into the United States.

Well, we will have a very strong border, by the way, but they put it into the United States and we don’t charge them tax. There will be a tax to be paid. If they’re going to fire all their people, move their plant to Mexico, build air conditioners, and think they’re going to sell those air conditioners to the United States, there’s going to be a tax.


What kind of tax are you thinking?


It could be 25 percent. It could be 35 percent. It could be 15 percent. I haven’t determined. And it could be different for different companies. We have been working on trying to stop this government, because we don’t know what we’re doing. And not only Obama, they’ve been trying to stop this from before Obama. But they don’t know. You know, they’ve done, they’ve tried lower interest loans, they’ve tried zero interest loans, these guys–


Well, some of these things aren’t going to get through the World Trade Organization. There’s–


It doesn’t matter. Then we’re going to renegotiate or we’re going to pull out. These trade deals are a disaster, Chuck. World Trade Organization is a disaster.


You know the concern on some of this–


NAFTA is a disaster–