13th of March, 2025

Portada » Undersecretary of Mining disappears due to austerity

Undersecretary of Mining disappears due to austerity

31 agosto, 2020
The Undersecretary of Mining of the Ministry of Economy will disappear as of September 1, 2020.

The Undersecretary of Mining of the Ministry of Economy will disappear as of September 1, 2020.

«This measure of austerity and administrative rationality responds to the Presidential Decree that establishes the austerity measures to be observed by the agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, published on April 23, 2020 in the Official Gazette of the Federation», the Ministry of Economy said in a statement.

At the beginning of 2019, the Mining Chamber of Mexico (Camimex) began a phase of work with the new government, especially with the Undersecretary of Mining.

After various meetings held with Francisco Quiroga, head of that undersecretary, work tables were set up to review, adjust and promote current issues for the sector.

The topics analyzed were:

  • Mining Law
  • Graduation
  • Mining Fund
  • Communication and Image
  • Good practices in environment and community development issues
  • Mining conflicts

Regarding these issues, comments and reports were delivered with suggestions and positions for each one, as well as the document-proposal «Public Policy on Mining.»

Undersecretary of Mining

Camimex also participated in the Sectoral Roundtables of the Ministry of Economy, especially in the consultation forum on mining activity, to gather proposals that could be incorporated into the National Development Plan 2019-2024.

The main themes were: economic development; competitiveness of the sector; social justice and rule of law; and care of the environment.

The mining sector commented on matters of interest to them, such as:

  • Mining Fund
  • Problems of small and medium mining
  • Financing
  • Lag in Mines Management
  • New functions of mining units

The cancellation of the Undersecretary of Mining does not imply any affectation to the attributions, powers and work that the Ministry of Economy carries out in mining matters, through the General Directorate of Mines, the General Directorate of the Fund for the Development of Zones of Mining Production and the General Directorate of Mining Development.

Camimex had extensive collaboration with the Undersecretary of Mining at the work tables to carry out protocols on mining in the context of Covid-19.