9th of March, 2025

Portada » USMCA establishes Committee on Agricultural Trade

USMCA establishes Committee on Agricultural Trade

2 julio, 2020
The Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA) establishes an Agricultural Trade Committee to follow up on the implementation of the commitments assumed.

The Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA) establishes a Committee on Agricultural Trade to follow up on the implementation of the commitments assumed.

It also includes a section with provisions that ensure greater transparency and cooperation in certain activities related to agricultural biotechnology.

Maintains free tariff treatment for agri-food products originating in the region; the commitment to eliminate subsidies to agricultural exports is reaffirmed; Collaboration and consultation areas are determined on issues such as export competition, domestic support, and other measures related to agricultural trade.

Committee on Agricultural Trade 

Mexico, the United States and Canada agreed to create an Committee on Agricultural Trade, made up of representatives from each of these countries.

The functions of the Committee on Agricultural Trade will include:

  1. Promote trade in agricultural goods between the Parties in accordance with this Agreement.
  2. Supervise and promote cooperation in the implementation and administration of Chapter 3.
  3. Create a forum for the Parties to consult and seek to address trade issues or barriers and improve access to their respective markets, in coordination or jointly with other committees, working groups or any other subsidiary body established pursuant to this Agreement.
  4. Seek to exchange information on trade in agricultural goods between the Parties, including the information included in Article 3.10.1 (Transparency and Consultations) or any other relevant provision on transparency in this Chapter.
  5. Encourage cooperation between the Parties in areas of mutual interest, such as rural development, technology, research and development, and capacity building, and the creation of joint programs as mutually agreed between agencies involved in agriculture, among others;
  6. Carry out additional tasks, including those that may be assigned by the Commission or referred to it by any other committee.
  7. Recommend to the Commission any modification or addition to this Chapter.
  8. Report its activities annually to the Commission.

Committee on Agricultural Trade

The Committee on Agricultural Trade will meet within one year from the entry into force of this Agreement and once a year thereafter, unless the Parties decide otherwise.

